One Planet Living

One Planet Living

Rooted in the science and metrics of ecological and carbon footprinting,  the ten One Planet Principles are used to structure thinking around design and lifestyle choices, and inform holistic pathways forward. The concept of One Planet Living builds on sustainability work carried out over the past few decades but specifically grew out of Bioregional's work and follow-up studies on the BedZED eco-village in south London. The founders of the framework sought to make sustainability easy, attractive, and affordable. The ten guiding principles of sustainability aim to bring forward the vision of a world in which people enjoy happy, healthy lives within their fair share of the earth's resources, leaving space for wildlife and wilderness. 

Sustainable Materials: Why the World Needs It.

By: Ibrohimjon Akbarov

Sustainable materials are an increasingly important aspect of modern society, as they provide a way to conserve resources and reduce waste while also supporting environmentally conscious industries. These materials are made from renewable resources and are biodegradable, meaning they do not harm the environment and can be reused circularly. They are also designed to be durable and long- lasting, making them a cost-effective choice for those looking to live more sustainably.

Today, I conducted a mini-survey that asked people in our community if they buy bottled water. As you probably know, bottled water is one of the many factors that endanger the environment. I was surprised that 80% of the people who responded to this survey said they buy bottled water regularly. Buying bottled water will only support the production and economics of this crude business. Our community should try to avoid bottled water as much as possible and use reusable water bottles and other environmentally friendly products. 

Bamboo is one of the most reliable and inexpensive sustainable materials. This bundle was recently extracted from a bamboo forest and will be used for construction.

Several sustainable materials are available, including bamboo, recycled plastic, cork, linen, and biodegradable materials. Bamboo, for example, is a fast-growing plant that is widely available and requires less water, pesticides, and fertilizers compared to traditional hardwoods. This makes it an excellent choice for products such as flooring and furniture. On the other hand, recycled plastic is made from existing plastic waste and helps reduce waste by transforming it into new products.

A roof made from straw, a sustainable material. Located on the beaches of Cancun, Mexico.

I interviewed a close family friend about why people in our community should support the production of furniture made with sustainable materials. Azim Azizov, co-owner of Woods Wizards LLC in San Jose, CA, and the interviewee complains that too many people are supporting the production of furniture made from non-sustainable materials. “There are too many people supporting the production of furniture made from unnatural materials”. He says that manufacturers should stick with using natural, sustainable materials that are friendly to the environment. “Communities should support manufacturers like us, manufacturers who preserve the environment by only using renewable and recyclable materials”. I asked Mr. Azizov if he is aware of the dangers that non-sustainable materials have on the environment. He responded with “Yes, the number of plastics and styrofoam being used is crazy. Millions of tons of plastic are being poured into the ocean every year and destroying the environment”. 

I conducted another mini-survey, this time questioning people if they know the difference between sustainable material and non-sustainable material. We can see that 60% of the people chose the correct material and the other 40% were incorrect. To see that almost half of the people who took this survey were incorrect tells me that many people are unaware of where our materials come from. We need to know the difference between sustainable and non-sustainable materials because we need to be self-aware of what we use.  

Incorporating sustainable materials into our daily lives is an important step toward a more sustainable future. By choosing products made from these materials, we can help reduce waste, conserve resources, and minimize our impact on the environment. Additionally, supporting environmentally conscious industries can encourage the development of new and innovative sustainable materials. This can lead to new and improved products that are better for the environment and more affordable for consumers.

The Tulum Ruins are located in Cancun Mexico. Constructed by the Mayans, they used stone, a sustainable material, to support the foundation of their homes. 

 In conclusion, using sustainable materials is a crucial aspect of creating a more sustainable future. Whether it's through buying products made from these materials, reducing waste, or making an effort to recycle and compost more, there are many ways to live more sustainably and protect our planet for future generations. By making conscious choices about the materials we use, we can help create a better future for ourselves and the environment.

Health &           Happiness 

             By: Natalie Chen 

January 27, 2023 

Why is happiness essential to life?

Since we can remember, individuals have sought happiness. Positive psychology has brought this idea into the realm of scientific study in an effort to better comprehend welfare around the globe and meaningful living. Even though pleasure is attainable, it's normal to occasionally have negative emotions. While there are many various components to a meaningful living, I've come to the realization that happiness is a crucial part of feeling satisfied. I'm sure scientists would concur that this has many beneficial effects. This includes encouraging us to make better decisions, get more exercise, and have a consistent nighttime schedule. In order for me to gather additional information on it, I've taken the decision to release applications for everyone to submit!

Numerous individuals have expressed to me how they are feeling lately, and the majority of them are joyful and have a variety of emotions. It's crucial to think things through and reflect on your sentiments. Happiness in particular provides us the chance to feel the delights that life affords us. Feelings give us access to a seemingly unlimited range of emotions. They assist us in forming and navigating relationships, making crucial life decisions, and determining how we react to situations.

Everyone who submitted should have a hobby or other activity that they enjoy doing outside of school that brings them joy and enriches their lives. There were many different answers, and yet everyone picked gaming. I've also included my interview with Mei Hua Chen, who said, "I agree and I appreciate cooking for my family and trying out some new recipes." Additionally, research shows that those with interests do not experience stress or despair. You may feel comfortable, and calm, and live a fantastic life by engaging in activities.

Unfortunately, most people were not thrilled with the lives they were now pursuing. However, I appreciate that they are open to changing certain aspects of their lifestyle. Everyone should preserve and support this lifestyle because, as I've already mentioned, it has significant health advantages. Happy people are healthier everywhere and are more likely to remain healthy in the future. All individuals who are feeling happy emotions also have a longer life expectancy, are more productive, and are more creative.

Your interactions with others are essential to your happiness and satisfaction in life. They assist you in feeling more valuable, more a part of something, and less alone. They are always there to congratulate you on your successes and console you when you falter. Furthermore, they have healthier behaviors and better stress management. These connections have an impact on both your physical and emotional well-being.

Although some individuals don't, I'm delighted to observe that the majority of people regularly consume fruits and vegetables. However, a healthy diet should include plenty of fruits and vegetables. They are healthy by nature and include fiber, plant compounds, vitamins, and minerals that help you stay healthy. Eating it will help you maintain a balanced, nutritious diet and an active lifestyle. They may be cooked in a variety of ways and prepared in various ways. Additionally, it might help you fight off illnesses. Mei Hua Chen concurs and says, "We should have at least three different kinds of fruits and vegetables, it has a lot of health advantages to provide a wonderful life.

As I've demonstrated and emphasized, happiness is crucial to living a happy life in general and offers several health advantages. Socialization conduct and happiness are correlated, according to research! It is associated with an improved quality of life, a greater feeling of well-being, and a sense of belonging! It has been demonstrated to have enhanced our physical health, productivity, interpersonal connections, and creativity! We should be able to look after ourselves and have this happen regularly

The Bulldog Beugle:

Zero Waste


How important do you 

think recycling is?  By: Ronan Gensel                                                              

Of the 40 million tons of plastic waste generated in the U.S. in 2021, only 5% to 6% — or about two million tons — was recycled.(World Economic Forum) If you hold recycling in high esteem, you should be disgusted after reading that statistic. That is incredibly sad: 96% of all waste is just thrown in landfills, where it will then take almost 500 years to decompose, slowly poisoning the environment. We need to do better. According to the Zero Waste Survey—conducted by Ronan Gensel and Pauleen Cenina on behalf of the journalism class—only 33.7% of people said they “always” recycle. We wonder why our school is always strewn with litter—THIS is why. Not even half of the participants (47.4%) said that they recycle “often.” 😞 

Mrs. Nestor explains this with incredible coherency and precision, stating that “I always get on my husband’s nerves when I make him recycle… EVERYONE needs to be recycling more to help the environment!” 

Do you pick up trash even? 

If it’s not yours? 

This one I can afford to be more lenient on, as I don’t expect the majority of people to actually do this, though, in a perfect world, that would be ideal. I am actually quite satisfied with the survey results because 64.2% of the participants—over half—stated that they “sometimes” pick up others’ trash.

?“Of course, I do—It’s my job, I’m a teacher!” Exclaimed Mrs. Corley, when asked if she picks up other people’s garbage. She then goes on to talk about the importance of picking up trash, regardless of whether or not it’s yours, stating that it’s a “Team effort.” 

Do you bring reusable bags or use the store’s plastic ones?

“I try to bring my own on most occasions, but sometimes—If, you know, I’m walking my dog or something, I might forget—but most times, I use my own.” Claims 8th-grade social studies teacher, the one, the only, Mr. Romer.

 What is one thing you can do to help the waste crisis? 

This is arguably the most important question that we should all ask ourselves—what can I do to help the environment? This is a much more personal and thought-evoking question because it’s directly asking the reader. A large portion of people stated that they should recycle more, use less plastic, clean up trash, use fewer straws, use paper more, etc. Whilst all of this is helpful, I don’t believe anyone can formulate and articulate a more coherent message than the following people. “I think that we should teach the younger generations about the importance of recycling, and the dangers of this crisis.” Says Mrs. Karim, 8th grade Science teacher. She continues her point of educating folks about the waste crisis, stating that we used to and that we NEED to bring that back.


We can clearly see how much genuine sincerity Mrs. Karim put into her answer, showing how much she has thought about this issue. 

Her complex and articulate answer is juxtaposed nicely with the next answer, full of simplicity and clarity.

“I just want to be a good citizen and waste less.” Says 8th grade Math teacher, Mr. Rodinsky

.Mr. Rodinsky talks about how frustrated he gets when his family members come over and don’t recycle—claiming that something so simple shouldn’t be overlooked by everyone. 

In conclusion, there are many ways one can contribute to help the zero waste crisis, including but not limited to recycling, using reusable water bottles, picking up trash, regardless of whether or not it’s yours; correctly sorting trash, etc. Helping out the environment is not only beneficial to the environment, but it takes minimal effort and the best part is it’s completely FREE!!

Air pollution

By: Saliane. T and Julia. O

Have you ever wondered what types of pollution there are? Air pollution is one example and it’s a big issue that has a strong impact on everyone worldwide. What exactly is air pollution? Air pollution is when the air quality is negatively affected by contamination from chemicals in the atmosphere. 

How does air pollution affect us? To start, air pollution affects us negatively. It ruins the air quality making the air we breathe toxic. When we breathe in polluted air we are directly inhaling toxic chemicals that are detrimental to our lungs and health. These toxic chemicals slowly break down our lungs. 

How can we stop air pollution? There are plenty of ways we can help contribute to limiting air pollution. A good and commonly used example is using electric cars over gas cars. Or little things like turning off a light when you leave a room. If enough people contribute it can add up and become effective. 

For our interview, we chose to ask Mrs. Karmin our questions. We asked her several questions relating to air pollution And how it directly affects us. First, we asked what the main sources of air pollution are. She replied “Well there are many sources but definitely Cars and industries like companies. Cutting down trees is bad too.”  Next, we asked what harmful effects air pollution has. “It increases C02 and this ruins our ozone layer”, she said. Next, we asked What pollutants affect air quality. “Cutting down trees and gas cars are the main sources” she replied. Then we asked what can be done to prevent This. She said, “Saving trees and using less electricity and water”. Lastly, we asked How animals and humans can be affected by air pollution. “Well if our air is ruined that's bad for everything that breathes lungs”. 

This survey shows around 88 percent of people who took this survey have plants. 

These show evidence that some of the people who have plants don’t necessarily take care of them. 

This shows that most people who took this survey drive a gas car.


This survey shows that most people who took this survey get picked up from school.