IFT 6765 - Links between Computer Vision and Language

Project topics
(Guidelines credits: Vision and Language course taught by Devi Parikh at Georgia Tech)

Your project will typically involve addressing a novel problem or addressing an existing problem in a novel way. Your goal should be to advance a state-of-the-art technique, or introduce a new task in vision and language along with benchmarking basic approaches, and potentially proposing an interesting model for the new task. Refer to the schedule to find topics of interest. But feel free to be creative and come up with your own! If you need help with ideas for your project please talk to the TA, or the instructor. While certainly not a requirement for the class, students should actively consider submitting a paper at the end of the course to a top-tier conference in Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Machine learning, or AI.

Projects typically fall under one of these categories:

Project teams should have 1-2 students (depending on enrolment). 

You may combine this with another course project / your MSc or PhD research project but must delineate the different parts.