MDWF 2090

MDWF 2090: Pelvic Health & Suturing



The purpose of the course is for students to understand and identify pelvic tissue trauma and disorders. These conditions may develop for our Gyn clients or throughout the childbearing year, therefore we will delve into these topics expanding our knowledge of anatomy with a focus on treatment care plans, principles and practice. From this, we will expand and refine our postpartum suturing techniques.


  1. Explain the pelvic muscular anatomy and how it relates to clinical care through the childbearing childbirth and repair

  2. Evaluate pelvic floor disorders and choose treatment plan

  3. Identify and recommend treatment for an inclusion cyst

  4. Appraise and implement techniques to prevent tears in childbirth

  5. Evaluate appropriate need for an episiotomy

  6. Compare and contrast anatomical impacts from a medial and medio-lateral episiotomy

  7. Describe procedural tools and steps for correct episiotomy technique to perform an episiotomy

  8. Compile a ‘suture kit’ that identifies appropriate suturing materials and equipment

  9. Identify when a client is stable enough to begin repair

  10. Assess characteristics to properly identify/classify various wounds

  11. Develop a repair plans that are clinically appropriate for the different lacerations (including transfer or not suturing)

  12. Demonstrate the set up and maintaining of sterile and clean fields

  13. Demonstrate tying knots using one handed, two handed and instrument techniques

  14. Demonstrate anchor, interrupted, continuous, locked mattress, subcutaneous/running mattress and figure 8 stitches

  15. Select and administer an appropriate anesthetic agent

  16. Explain technique to tie off a bleeding vessel

  17. Perform first, second, skin tag, labial tear repairs

  18. Analyze principles of wound healing and be able to distinguish between physiologic healing and pathologic repair breakdown or infection

  19. Recognize third- and fourth-degree tears and implement care protocol.

  20. Recognize cervical tears and implement care protocol.

  21. Enact informed consent and

  22. Demonstrate documentation of a repair

Source: Midwives College of Utah. (2020). Midwives College of Utah Student Handbook Fall 2020. Retrieved from:

Example of practice directive document (practice guideline, informed consent or client handout):