MDWF 2060

MDWF 2060: Clinical Testing for the Childbearing Year



This course will teach students about various physiologic and pathologic conditions associated with pregnancy

and the reproductive organs, and tests midwives and others can do to diagnose these conditions or monitor

progress. The course prepares students in the practical management of pregnancy


1. Successfully manage the clinical tests and care of their clients.

2. Explain to a client the various types of tests for which they may choose within your practice and which ones may be referred to a medical practitioner.

3. To recognize risk factors and signs and symptoms that might lead to diagnostic or screening tests.

4. To understand the parameters of genetic testing

5. To understand lab work and ranges of normal.

6. Interpret a urine "dip-stick" test.

7. Interpret a hemoglobin check.

8. Interpret a urinalysis and CBC.

9. To understand the components of the OB Panel (or “Prenatal” or “initial” panel) and what the tests signify.

10. Understand and explain the Direct and Indirect Coombs tests.

11. Understand and explain Antibody ID tests.

12. Explain and interpret glucose tolerance screening and option.

13. Prevent metabolic pre-eclampsia by providing proper nutritional support understand and appropriately use the preeclampsia and HELLP screening tests.

14. Prevent anemia when possible and treat it when not preventable.

15. Explain the physiologic changes of pregnancy, including blood volume expansion.

16. Understand and be able to educate client on the GBS vaginal/rectal culture

17. Understand and, educate your clients on fetal screening (i.e. biophysical profile, 1st and 2nd trimester screen, NST, U/S

18. Recognize a wide variety of diseases which may complicate pregnancy.

19. Recognize and treat jaundice in the newborn,

20. Explain the PAP smear test, request and/or perform and interpret selected screening tests including, but not limited to: screening for HIV, STIs, and PAP tests.

21. Interpret laboratory tests used in providing well person care including, but not limited to: CBC, thyroid function tests, urinalysis, chemistry panels

22. Use the microscope to perform simple screening tests including, but not limited to: amniotic fluid ferning, candida, trichomonas, and bacterial vaginosis

23. Learn how to determine fetal well-being during pregnancy including fetal heart rate and activity patterns, amniocentesis and ultrasound technology

Source: Midwives College of Utah. (2020). Midwives College of Utah Student Handbook Fall 2020. Retrieved from:

Example of practice directive document: