Incognito PD
We are Innovation and Learning Specialists for a 6A 1:1 iPad District. This year our teachers took on the simultaneous role of F2F and Virtual educator. The majority of the teachers were completely overwhelmed and did not have time for our normal professional development offerings sessions. To solve this problem we found ways to "sneak" in training into their daily lives that met their needs, offered stress relief and community, all while supporting engaging pedagogy for F2F and virtual learners.
We are Innovation and Learning Specialists for a 6A 1:1 iPad District. This year our teachers took on the simultaneous role of F2F and Virtual educator. The majority of the teachers were completely overwhelmed and did not have time for our normal professional development offerings sessions. To solve this problem we found ways to "sneak" in training into their daily lives that met their needs, offered stress relief and community, all while supporting engaging pedagogy for F2F and virtual learners.
Downtime PD
Downtime PD
Multitasking PD
Multitasking PD
Sneaky Idea #2
Sneaky Idea #2
Invite them to lunch! Include dessert, drinks, & prizes! They can eat lunch and socialize all while learning!
Invite them to lunch! Include dessert, drinks, & prizes! They can eat lunch and socialize all while learning!
Convenience PD
Convenience PD
sneaky Idea #3
sneaky Idea #3
We make PD as convenient as possible by coming to their conference/team planning. We POP in and bring sodas & a short PD.
We make PD as convenient as possible by coming to their conference/team planning. We POP in and bring sodas & a short PD.
POP UP PD TRAILER for the October 26th-30th Offering
POP UP PD TRAILER for the October 26th-30th Offering

Pajama PD
Pajama PD
Sneaky Idea #4
Sneaky Idea #4
Utilizing Google Meet we have been able to conduct meaningful PD that teachers can participate from the comfort of their couch.
Utilizing Google Meet we have been able to conduct meaningful PD that teachers can participate from the comfort of their couch.
EntertainMent PD
EntertainMent PD
Sneaky Idea #5
Sneaky Idea #5
Everybody loves a great holiday movie! The MISD Innovation and Learning team created holiday-themed movie trailers to spark teacher interest in a variety of technology tools.
Everybody loves a great holiday movie! The MISD Innovation and Learning team created holiday-themed movie trailers to spark teacher interest in a variety of technology tools.