Be On Time

Be on Time for: rehearsals, performances, and assignments!!!!

Always arrive 15 minutes BEFORE the scheduled event (Arriving 15 minutes early is on time. Arriving on time is LATE!)

Attendance Policy

Attendance for every band event is mandatory! The only excusable absences are prearranged school conflicts and those that would be excused by the school for regular attendance records, e.g., illness, a death in the family, or a religious holiday. Individual needs will be addressed as they occur. This system is subject to modification by the director. Work and any other outside of school activity are unexcused absences for any band event. Make sure you are aware of the band schedule for the entire school year before you agree to a work schedule. All evening rehearsals and after school performances are required and go in the grade book.

Performance no shows! The student will receive 0 out of 100 points for the event and will not get a chance to make it up.

For all absences, the following procedure must be followed by the student and parent:

    • The director must be notified 2 weeks in advance.

    • An absentee request form must be filled out and on file

    • For illness, a parental note or doctor’s excuse must be submitted.

    • Although cleared by the school office, absences from a band activity that same day must be cleared by the director as well- please call the band room.

    • In extreme cases, a phone message may be left on the director’s school voicemail with a personal follow-up call.

    • Follow-up is the sole responsibility of the student!

If you are considered absent from school, you are not allowed to attend that evening’s band event. I.e., if you are absent from school on a Friday, you cannot march that evening.

The mere filing of an absentee request form does not constitute approval. The above policy is cut and dry in regard to what is excused.

Expectations: You have made a commitment to be in the Midview Band program. Everyone is counting on you! In order to have successful band rehearsals and performances, it is essential that we have FULL attendance. The absence of one person not only affects that person, but also the entire group. The critical factors of uniformity, balance, spacing and alignment cannot be improved or maintained with absences.

*All performances and rehearsals are required, you must attend.

Legitimate Excuses: Legitimate excuses for rehearsal or performance absence are illness, family vacation, accident, or serious illness/death in the family and doctor’s appointments. If possible, contact the Band Office at 440-748-2124 x4303 prior to an absence from a performance. Students must bring an excuse note from a parent or guardian following any absence. A request to be excused from a future rehearsal or performance must be turned in 2 weeks before the event and will be considered by the director, pending the legitimacy of the case presented.

Unexcused Absences: Unexcused absence from a performance is unacceptable and may result in 0 points out of 100. Absences, tardiness or leaving early because of work or homework are not excused. Problems with absences, tardiness or leaving early from rehearsal will be given appropriate consequences regarding performance opportunities.

Ask: If you are not sure or have a request, problem, or question, ask the band director at the earliest possible time.

And always remember, the band calendar is set in May and YOU signed up for band. There are to be NO schedule surprises. Take responsibility and know the calendar.

Make-ups: If you are excused from a rehearsal or performance, you will be required to perform a piece selected by your director and perform it with Smart Music, or Google Classroom for your performance grade.

All Make-ups are to be done by the end of that 9 weeks or that make-up will result in a ZERO. This is the student’s responsibility, not the Director’s.

*Always refer to the Band app Calendar!

All absences must be submitted 2 weeks prior and Mr. B must approve it before your absence is considered excused