Mr. Frasier's Middle School Mathematics 


Contact Information:

Email Address:

School Phone: (724) 643-8650 

Google Voice: (724) 913-2021


Please see the attached document in regards to the upcoming remote learning opportunities during our shutdown, due to the coronavirus epidemic.  

Website Letter Synchro Learning Policy.pdf

Chromebook Usage

Students will be issued a Chromebook the first week of school.  Please understand that the Chromebook that your child is utilizing for their education is the property of Midland Borough School District.  The Chromebook must be returned to the district at the completion of the current academic school year.  It is important to understand that it is your responsibility to maintain the proper care and condition of the Chromebook that your child is utilizing for his/her academics.  The Chromebook should be used for SCHOOL PURPOSES ONLY!

Classes are set to begin on Wednesday, August 30, 2023.  Our hope is that we are able to maintain 5-day/week instruction and will not be forced into online instruction.  However, should the need arise, you will contacted immediately and adjustments to our normal school day will be made accordingly.  Quite possibly, we will be exploring and reviewing mathematical concepts through Zoom video-conferencing, videos, discussions, chats, and files that will be attached to lessons assigned to them on their Google Classroom. 

All digital interaction and internet usage (Acceptable Use Policy) should be appropriate and followed, as per the school's code of conduct and rules that each of you will acknowledge, review, and agree to for the coming 2022-2023 school year. I ask that you please adhere to these policies moving forward.

PowerSchool Access

PowerSchool is the gradebook that is utilized at Midland Borough School District and can be accessed at any time to monitor your child's academic standing.  PowerSchool is internet based and can be accessed from any location that is internet accessible.  The access codes (username and password) to monitor your child's progress will be distributed to your child in the first week of school.  A copy of this document should be received through your child's homeroom teacher.  Should you not receive this important information, please contact your child's homeroom teacher or the main office at (724) 643-8650.



Please see the following sites for easy accessibility to essential resources for school related information.