Frequently Asked Questions

Who will provide the dual credit courses for this four year academy?

Midland College

What is an academic dual credit course?

Academic dual credit courses are general education courses that apply toward an associate degree or bachelor’s degree in the core areas of English and Social Studies. All academic courses offered in the Academy are listed in the Texas Academic Course Guide Manual and are accepted at public colleges and universities in Texas. Academic dual credit courses will transfer to any college or university that accepts dual credit coursework and will apply to most core curriculum or general education requirements.

What is a Health Science career tech or workforce dual credit course?

Career tech dual credit courses are workforce education courses that provide an opportunity for you to obtain skills and knowledge needed for career exploration, licensure and specific job qualifications. Workforce courses in the Academy apply toward professional certification and may apply toward associate degrees. Workforce courses may transfer to 4-year baccalaureate degrees.

Do the courses that I take for the certifications apply to any of the pre-med, pre-pharmacy, or pre-dental degrees offered at colleges or universities?

Workforce dual credit courses that provide knowledge and skills needed for health science certifications also provide a foundation for further study at the university level in professional degree programs. Some universities do have a Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences degree that may accept workforce education courses.

What opportunities will I have to earn healthcare certifications?

The Academy expands the existing high school curriculum by offering unique health science-focused electives. Workforce dual credit courses will be applied toward earning healthcare certificates. When you graduate from high school, you can immediately begin working as a certified technician in several different medical fields. If you want to continue your education at a university, there are many advantages as well. You will be able to utilize the technical certificates to begin working while you are still in college, giving you a source of income and on the job experience.

Will I be able to choose how many dual credit courses that I want to take?

There are required health science workforce dual credit courses in 10th through 12th grade. After the 11th grade, you may choose from several programs for your senior year. You may also choose additional academic dual credit courses in English and Social Studies.

Will the college credit hours that I earn be on my official college transcript?

Yes, all college credit hours will be on your college transcript and will become a permanent part of your academic record at the collegiate level.