Middle Township High School

Troupe 7564


  • Thespian Troupe #7564

  • Purpose: The International Thespian Society is an honorary organization to support high school theatre programs and give theatre students a place to connect with each other and practice their craft. Middle Township High School has a long tradition of theatre excellence. Each year the Thespians sponsor the production of a fall play, a musical, entries into the state Thespian Festival, and multiple co-curricular theatrical performances. Students create all aspects of a production including sound, lights, acting, scenic artistry, business management, set construction and student direction. Middle Township also has a theatre academy which strives to bring college level classes to high school students to better prepare them for a career in the arts. Everyone is welcome to participate and become a part of the process that creates "magic” every year.

  • Meetings: Meetings are scheduled based around various events in the department. Please refer to the calendar section of this website to see when our next meeting and performance event will be happening.

  • Requirements: Attend a meetings regularly and volunteer to work on a production in front of the curtain or backstage. You must put in a certain amount of hours to be a part of ITS.