Hazelwood Library

Welcome to the Hazelwood Library

Welcome to the 2023/24 school year at the Hazelwood Library.   During the school year, students will visit the library once/week.  During this time I will read to the students, have a discussion about the book that was read to them, engage in book talks and talk about library science.  We will also learn about the engineering design process and work on quite a few STEAM projects throughout the year.  Students will also be able to borrow books each week.  The Hazelwood Library collection has roughly 6,000 books!  We have quite a variety of books including nonfiction, fiction, graphic novels and biographies.  Our second and third graders will use Destiny Discover to look for books that they may be interested in borrowing.

Classes will also use library resources to do research.  What a great place to learn!  We have a wonderful book collection and great technology, such as our 3-D printer.

During the school year, the students learn about the many aspects of library science.  This includes learning about how books are shelved in the library, proper care of books, what authors and illustrators do, the different parts of a book and how to choose a book that fits them and they will also enjoy reading.

We also talk about many holidays in the library.  We read about Halloween, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving, the December holidays, Martin Luther King, Black History Month, Women's History Month, Read Across America, St. Patrick's Day, Earth Day, Memorial Day and Autism Awareness Month, just to name a few.  We also enjoy reading around the campfire a couple times each year (definitely a favorite for our students)!

Check out the link to HwoodLibrary.wordpress.com to see what we have been doing each week in the Hazelwood Library!


We love the library!