Scholarship Search Engines

Use the link above to filter through and apply for the many scholarship opportunities available! 

Please begin by completing your General Application. It is your profile. You are not considered for a scholarship until you select an opportunity and apply to that opportunity.

To view the opportunities for which you are most likely qualified, click “opportunities” and “recommended.” If “recommended” does not appear, this means there are not any opportunities open today. Check back often for new recommended opportunities.

PLEASE NOTE – Read the description and eligibility criteria carefully. Apply only if you meet the criteria. Your application will not be considered if you are not eligible.

A complete application requires answers to all questions that apply to you – not just the questions that are marked “required.”

Most scholarships will open in January. You can complete your general application now and receive email notifications when new scholarships you qualify for open.

Click the link above to go to the Community Foundation of Northwest Missouri's page

Click Scholar Link in the top right corner

How Scholar Link works: 

Click the link above to be taken to College Board's online resource for finding scholarships! Get matched to a personalized list of scholarships, based on your background, achievement, and future plans

Click the link above to be taken to the leading online resource for finding scholarships! Create a free account and be specific when creating your profile to be matched with scholarships appropriate for you postsecondary goals.

Nitro College provides a variety of resources and information related to paying for post-secondary education!

Peterson's scholarship search tool reaches super hero status with its ability to filter available scholarships by school type, ethnicity, gender, field of study, state of residence, award type, and more! Check it out!