
Mrs. Beasley

This is our process of research:

Our research questions are:

  1. How can we make people want to be active?

  2. How can we incorporate social distancing into being active?

We have interviewed some essential people. Here are their answers.

Mrs. Beasley , a coach at MICDS. Her response:

Q: What kinds of exercise should kids and adults be getting each day?

A: Adults and children should be moving their bodies in as many ways as possible.

Q: Why is exercise important?

A: Exercise is important because it keeps your body and mind healthy.

Q: How long do you think kids should exercise each day?

A: 60 minutes of physical activity each day. Physical activity can be going for a walk with your parents/sibling/pet or playing a yard game with your family.

Q: If you could only get in one type of exercise each day, what kind of exercise should it be?

A: A mix between dance and yoga. I would take my favorite things for dance and yoga and mix them together to create something that feels good for me.

Q: What do you think that the best exercise to do when you're short on time would be?

A: Mobility and stretching movements that you can do anywhere and any time.

Q: What’s the hardest exercise to do?

A: This definitely depends on the individual. Personally, I think long distance running is the most difficult to perform.

Q: What is your view on children and screen time?

A: I believe screen time is okay in moderation.

Q: Do you think that it’s possible to get too much exercise? If so, what would be too much exercise?

A: Absolutely! A person can get too much exercise. If you are exercising too much, which means taking in little to no calories per day and exercising as if you have eaten three full meals, this can be dangerous and can cause serious health issues. It is important to keep track of your diet and to exercise accordingly.

Q: Do you think that there are benefits to exercising outside verses exercising inside?

A: I think that depends on the person. If you like the sunshine and outdoors, you will probably enjoy exercising outside. If you have outdoor allergies, you may not enjoy exercising outside as much.

Q: Do you think there are benefits to exercising with machines/electronically based things versus without it?

A: I don't think there are benefits to using machines or electronically based things. I do think it is a personal preference and if you like using the machines and such then the benefit might be that you are motivated by the device, which in turn will get you up and moving. :)

Q: Is it better to exercise with music or without music?

A: Again, I feel this is a personal preference. I love using music, but someone else may not really care for music and would prefer not to use it.

Q: Is it bad to not exercise? What are the effects of not exercising?

A: Not exercising can cause some major health issues. Exercise also helps us to continue using our body as we get older. If you want your body to last a long time, I highly suggest exercise of some sort. Your muscles and joints need to move regularly if you want them to continue working for you. I always think of the tin man from The Wizard of Oz. Just like the tin man, our joints need to be oiled regularly. If we do not oil our joints (move them with exercise), we will eventually lose mobility.

Q: What are examples of being active?:

A: Pretty much you name it and it can be an activity to keep you moving!