Month 2: Eaglet Development

It was amazing to watch the eaglet grow and develop during month two.  The students seem to be amazed how how different the eaglet looks from week-to-week.   The eaglet was banded, measured, and sexed this month.  We have found out that the eaglet is a Male.  By the end of the month,  the eaglet was seen hopping in the nest and stretching his wings.  He appears to be preparing to fledge.

March 28th

Eaglet's pin feathers are coming in

March 29th

Eaglet still being fed by the parents

March 30th

Female Bald Eagle feeding the eaglet (fish)

April 5th

April 5th

Getting big!

April 6th

Eating Fish

Eaglet still being  fed by the parents

April 11

Eaglet banding day

April 11

After banding-

Fish left in the nest 

April 12

April 13

Stretching it's wings

After banding, we now know that the eaglet is male

April 17

Eaglet continues to be fed by the parents

Eating Fish

April 19

Male brought the eaglet a rodent (difficult to tell exactly which rodent)

April 20

The eaglet isn't quite two months old, but seems to be close in size to the parents!

April 23rd

Parent (unclear if it is the male or female) feeding the eaglet fish. 

April 25th

The eaglet is starting to really stretch his wings.  He has also been seen hopping around in the nest.  He may fledge soon.

April 25th