Our Lady Of Czestochowa


"Holy Mother of Czestochowa, Thou art full of grace, goodness and mercy. I consecrate to Thee all my thoughts, words and actions, my soul and body. I beseech Thy blessings and especially prayers for my salvation. Today, I consecrate myself to Thee, Good Mother, totally with body and soul amid joy and sufferings to obtain for myself and others Thy blessings on this earth and eternal life in Heaven. Amen."

prayer from:google

History of the Black Madonna

The icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa has an interesting history, though there is some variation in the accounts.

Tradition holds that St. Luke the "Evangelist" “wrote” the icon on a cypress table (a small bench like table) in the home of the Holy Family. St. Helena is said to have found the icon during her visit to the Holy Land and to have brought it to Constantinople in the fourth century. The painting was eventually owned by Charlemagne, who presented it as a dowry(a gift to the husband during marriage) to Prince Lev of Galicia (present–day Western Ukraine), where it was kept for almost six centuries in the royal palace at Belz. In 1382, after invading Tartars attacked the fortress at Belz, the icon was taken to the Polish town of Czechstochowa for safekeeping, and it has remained there ever since.

The icon was damaged by Hussite raiders in 1430, who slashed and attempted to burn it, changing the image of what is now referred to as the “Black Madonna.” In a sense, she is a symbol of Poland, scarred but persevering in faith.

info: www.hli.org

The Power of the Black Madonna

The Black Madonna is credited with numerous miracles among those that she visited, and on behalf of those who prayed for her protection and intercession. The icon is credited with saving Constantinople in a critical battle with the Saracens, after its display from the walls of the city. After its transfer to Galicia (present-day Western Ukraine), the kingdom was threatened by an invasion in the 11th century. The king prayed to Our Lady(the Black Madonna)to aid his small army, and as a result of this prayer, a darkness overcame the enemy troops who, in their confusion, began attacking one another.

intercession: to pray on someone else's behalf

info: www.hli.org

Origin of the Black Madonna

Too often, racism and ignorance unknown her true origins. A common account of the black Madonna in France's Chartres Cathedral holds that her skin was once white, but became dark over the centuries due to exposure to candle soot. This theory, although easily unproven , is accepted in many locations throughout Europe.

information from: wikippedia

Above this caption is the Food Pantry of the Black Madonna community! If you're interested in joining or giving it a look please contact the number and Gmail on the image.

Painting of Black Madonna

The paintings are usually icons which are Byzantine in origin or style, some made in 13th- or 14th-century Italy, others are older and from the Middle East, Caucasus or Africa, mainly Egypt and Ethiopia. Statues are often made of wood but occasionally made of stone, painted and up to 75 cm (30 in) tall. They fall into two main groups: free-standing upright figures or seated figures on a throne. There are about 400–500 Black Madonnas in Europe, depending on how they are classified. There are at least 180 Vierges Noires in Southern France alone, and there are hundreds of non-medieval copies as well. Some are in museums, but most are in churches or shrines and are venerated by believers. Some are associated with miracles and attract substantial numbers of pilgrims.

information from: ducksters

Fun facts about the Black Madonna

The Black Madonna can be found in both Catholic and Orthodox countries. The paintings of the Black Madonna are icons which are Byzantine (Orthodox empire or community), in style or origin. Some of the paintings were made in the 13th or 14th century Italy.

This is an important subject because many Black Madonnas turn the shrines in which they are housed, into some of the most revered pilgrimage sites, by virtue of their presence. Monique Scheer, one of these scholars, attributes the importance of the dark-skinned depiction to its connection with authenticity.

The Black Madonna was painted by St. Luke the Evangelist (author of the Book of Luke); and it was while painting the picture, Marty told him about the life of Jesus, which was incorporated into his gospel.

Madonna is a painting that was created by a Norwegian painter, Edvard Munch. Between 1894 and 1895, five versions were created of the painting on an oil canvas. The painting is believed to be of Mary, Jesus's mother, even though it is a unique representation of her.

revered: deep respect or admiration of something

info: wiki.com