About The World Language Department

The World Languages Department

The Mt. Horeb World Language Department is a group of 7 teachers who are passionate about the language that they teach. We offer courses in Spanish and French.

The Mt. Horeb World Language Department will prepare students to communicate appropriately in the target language in relevant, real-world situations, engage students in worldviews different from their own, and encourage a lifelong interest in other languages and cultures. We are committed to helping kids learn to communicate in another language and learn to appreciate other cultures.

Why Study a World Language?

Interested in a career in Health care? Agriculture? Business? Engineering? World Language will set you apart from your peers and is the perfect sidekick to whatever career field you are pursuing!

Like free money? After taking the College Entrance Exams at the university of your choosing, if you get a B on the course you place in to, you will receive credits for all of the courses you skipped! That is up to 16 University credits that you don’t have to pay for!!!!

While it is true that a minimum of 2 years of HS language is required for admission into most colleges, most successful applicants to many colleges (like UW-Madison) have 3 or 4 years of HS language.

Oh and also...learning another language will literally make you smarter in other areas!

Description of a Bilingual Brain

Which course should I take?

The World Language Program