Mrs. Nolan's Fifth Grade Class



General Information & Reminders:

ATTENDANCE: Students are expected to be in our homeroom class at 8:20 a.m. when the school day begins. Our school day ends at 3:20 p.m.

SCHEDULE: Here is our daily schedule: Nolan's Crew Daily Schedule

➕ ➖ ✖️ ➗ MATH FACT PRACTICE: Students are expected to do one XtraMath fact practice session every day until they successfully "graduate" from XtraMath. This means that they have shown they have mastered the math facts 0-10 in all four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. XtraMath fact practice takes approximately 5-10 minutes each day and is done independently on the iPad.

📚 INDEPENDENT READING: Students are expected to read independently for at least 30 minutes outside of school time daily. Please consider ways to get paper books into your child's hands.

*The Morton Grove Library has a large selection of titles, and you can easily request books they don't own to be transferred to the MGPL, quickly and free of charge, and you will be alerted when they are ready for you to pick up.

*We will be visiting the Park View School library once a week, on Fridays, for students to choose books to check out.

*I will be sending out a link to purchase books from Scholastic that can be purchased online or by turning in the paper order sheet and a check in class.

🕗 WORK DUE DATES: Each day, students copy their assignments from the board in our room into their assignment notebooks. Students and parents can also check the assignments on the Class/Homework page linked above. Students are expected to complete listed assignments the day that they are assigned and have them at school each morning ready to turn in or check together (unless a different date and time is posted or they are told otherwise).

🕗 NEXT DAY LATE WORK DEADLINE: In fifth grade, all of the teachers are focusing on helping students developing good work habits. One step toward that is that any late work must be completed within one day after it was due. This enables students to start fresh each day and to focus on learning instead of on catching up.

😊 REMIND: Please join "Remind." It's a great way for me to communicate with parents as a group and as individuals and for you to communicate with me through short, easy "text-type" messages. If you haven't joined yet, here is the link with instructions to do so: Join Remind!