Mrs. Nuss


As part of the North Carolina Career Cluster: Arts, A/V Technology and Communications, Mooresville High School offers Visual Design, Video Production, Film Production and Film Production 2, as well as a class dedicated to the Blue Devil Update homeroom announcements show and school system's TV station. 

I am one of the Media and Film Production teachers at Mooresville High School.  I began teaching at NF Woods Advanced Technology and Arts Center, a campus of Mooresville High School, in 1998.  Prior to that, I taught in Florida for 1 1/2 years.  

I graduated from the University of Florida in 1996 with a degree in Telecommunications-Video Production and a minor in Business Administration.  


I also worked in the industry by directing local TV News, editing commercials for a cable company, interning in media relations for the Olympics in Atlanta, and interning in a corporate communications environment in Washington DC.

In 2004, I received my Master of Science in Technology Education from North Carolina A&T State University.  

In 2005, I earned my National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Certification; I renewed my National Board Certification in 2014. 

In 2017 we moved our classrooms and studio from NF Woods to the main campus of Mooresville High School.

I have a wonderful husband and two beautiful and talented children. We love to travel and have been to all 50 states! I recently started my own travel blog

Suggested Pathway

 9th Grade:  Visual Design or Film Production

 10th Grade:  Film Production or Visual Design

11th Grade :  Film Production 2 and/or Video Production

 12th Grade:  Blue Devil Update Fall and/or Blue Devil Update Spring
or Film Production 2 or Video Production

In Visual Design, students have the opportunity to get certified in Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign.  

In Video Production, students have the opportunity to get certified in Premiere while learning Television Broadcasting.

In Film Production, students will create movies and learn the Final Cut Pro software as well as techniques used in the film industry. 

In Film Production 2, students have the opportunity to learn about Final Cut Pro. They will follow the steps of filmmaking to create a individual final project. 

In the Blue Devil Update course, students produce tv shows for the high school, as well as the school system's cable channel, productions for the school system and other competition video entries.

Media students placed 2nd in the country for the National Scholastic Press Association Broadcast Best of Show Pacemaker

Media students place first in the country in the KWN New Vision Awards and won a trip to NYC

Media students place first in the country in the Panasonic Eco-Effect PSA Video contest

Media students covered the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte with official Press Passes

Media students covered President Obama's visit to MMS with official Press Passes

Media students covered an event with the NC Governor with a one-on-one interview

Film students placed 3rd in the North Carolina School Boards Association High School Video Contest

Film students competed in the National Digital Cinema Contest in Louisville, KY after placing 1st at the NC SkillsUSA Competition 

Film students placed 2nd in the North Carolina School Boards Association High School Video Contest

Film students competed in the National Digital Cinema Contest in Louisville, KY after placing 1st at the NC SkillsUSA Competition

Film students placed top 10 in the country in the Panasonic New Vision Awards

Film students placed 2nd in the state in the Click it or Ticket PSA Video Contest Governor’s Highway Safety Program

Film students placed 2nd in the state in the Click it or Ticket PSA Video Contest Governor’s Highway Safety Program

Film students placed 2nd in the North Carolina School Boards Association High School Video Contest

Film students placed 3rd in the North Carolina School Boards Association High School Video Contest

Film students placed 2nd in the North Carolina School Boards Association High School Video Contest

Film students placed 1st and 3rd in the North Carolina School Boards Association High School Video Contest

Contact me: 

Christina Nuss