Multi-Tiered System of Supports
Welcome to the MGSD MTSS Parent Website!
Thank you for being here and taking a vested interest in your child's education. We are so excited to partner with you and help your child/children be successful. Family engagement within an MTSS is so important. We want to create active and meaningful partnerships with our students’ families for the purpose of supporting student learning. As parents, you bring a wealth of knowledge and skills to the table that we, as educators, do not possess. Together we can create an educational experience for your child that will allow him/her to soar.
MTSS Newsletters for Parents
What is a multi-tiered system of supports?
You may hear your child’s teacher speak about a Multi-Tiered System of Support or Integrated Academic and Behavior Supports. By definition, an MTSS is a tiered framework, which promotes total school improvement through engaging, research-based academic and behavioral practices. North Carolina employs a systems approach, using data-driven problem solving to maximize growth for all students.
Take a look at how MTSS is being implemented in our MGSD Schools below!
So what does this REALLY mean?
In short, ALL students will be provided with the same access to core, grade-level instruction in all academic, behavior, and social-emotional areas and receive interventions as needed based on data.
Within a multi-tiered system of supports, ALL students will be provided differentiated core instruction (tier 1) that is needed to make progress towards attaining standards-based proficiency. Teachers will monitor the progress of all students to make sure the instructional practices are being used effectively. When groups of students or individual students are not making satisfactory progress, then the school MTSS team (including the teacher) will review the delivery of instruction, the curriculum, and the environment in order to consider changes necessary to meet the needs of the students. Some students will need changes such as a supplemental layer of support in addition to and connected to core instruction. Again, based on a review of data, a few students will need core, supplemental and intensive layers of support to make growth and progress towards standards.
Click on the image above to take a closer look at the layers of support available for ALL students.
Parent Engagement Impacts MTSS - WHAT IS PARENT and FAMILY ENGAGEMENT?
Parent engagement is defined* as a regular, two-way, and meaningful communication about student learning, and other school activities, including:
Assisting in their child’s learning by engaging with school personnel;
Being actively involved in their child’s education at school and at home;
Serving as full partners in their child’s education and being included, as appropriate, in decision-making
Participating on advisory boards or committees to assist in the education of their child
When children are struggling at school, it is important to find out why and to identify supports that are matched to their needs.
How Does Involvement Impact the Development of a Strong System of Support?
MTSS is a total school improvement framework. A high level of family involvement is one of the common characteristics of high-performing schools (Henderson & Mapp, 2002).
Schools that implement a MTSS collect and monitor data around attendance, behavior and academic success. Students with involved parents, no matter what their income or background, are more likely to:
Earn higher grades and test scores, and enroll in higher-level programs
Be promoted and earn credits
Attend school regularly
*Summarized from Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) 2015; For more information-
For more information regarding MTSS...
Contact your child's teacher, school counselor or principal, OR
District MTSS Coordinator, Ms. Hollis Baker