Schedules & Policies

Welcome to our class!

Below you will find lots of helpful information such as our schedules, some school rules and homework policies.

Specials Rotation

Daily Schedule

Monday- PE





8:15 am - 8:40 am Arrival & Breakfast

**Breakfast is available for a fee in the cafeteria**

8:40 am - 9:05 am Morning Meeting

9:05 am - 10:35 am Literacy

10:40 am - 11:50 am Math

12:00 pm - 12:30 pm Lunch

**This year we will be eating in the newly finished cafeteria**

12:35 pm - 1:15 pm Specials

1:20 pm - 1:50 pm Recess

2:00 pm - 2:30 pm Science/Social Studies

2:35 pm - 3:15 pm Patriot Block

3:25 pm - 3:35 pm Wrap Up & Dismissal

school Rules

Behavior & Rewards

Students are expected to follow the rules at school and be respectful. Parents will be notified of any behavior issues in a timely manner through ParentSquare or phone calls as needed. Students are rewarded for excellent behavior and good choices with our school-wide Golden Patriot behavior management system.

Students can receive a Golden Patriot from any adult on campus. The patriots are then placed into a class jar for a weekly drawing. Every Friday a new winner will be drawn in each classroom, and that student will receive a prize menu from the front office.


Homework will be sent home on Fridays and will usually be due the following Friday. There will be occasions where the homework will be due after two weeks instead of one. This could be because of a holiday, a short week, or because we are spending a few extra days on a Letterland unit. Each homework will have the due date printed on the top page of the packet.

The homework packet will be very similar each week and will consist of reading comprehension, spelling, vocabulary, and math practice. Our homework will be in a very similar format each week. I highly recommend that students spend a little time each night working on it if possible. Most of the skills they will be working on will be a review from class. Every now and then, students may encounter something they have not learned in class, so please feel free to help them. They can also ask me for help in the morning before class.


Please encourage your child to read daily. Even if you can only squeeze in a few minutes here and there, it will add up. Read a little each night before bed, or a bring along a book in the car or on the bus. Students may borrow books from my classroom library, the school library, or the local Mooresville library.


This year the students will learn a LOT of new math skills like multiplication, division, working with fractions, and so much more. They will have a much easier time once they learn their times tables! I always link relevant and fun math games on our website, but you can also practice in the car, with flash cards, or make up games with a deck of cards.

School Supplies

I provide students with a red sack to help them organize the items we use every day. Items we use daily will be kept in the pencil pouch, and extras will be kept in a community supply to replenish with.

**Students do not need a pencil box for my classroom. If you bought one please feel free to fill it with some supplies for homework and keep it at home.**

• Headphones OR earbuds

• 2 packs of pencils

• 1 pack of dry erase markers (any color)

• 1 pack of colored pencils

  • 2 packs of crayons

• 2 packs of glue sticks

• 1 composition notebook (any design or color)

• Kid-safe scissors

• Hand sanitizer

• Ziploc bags of all sizes

• Eraser tops for pencils

• Clorox Wipes

• Tissues

Laptop Care & Guidelines

Park View Elementary will provide book bags to all 3rd grade students. These book bags are the property of MGSD. Please do not allow the students to color the “M” or write on them. This also applies to the laptop. These are also the property of MGSD.

  • Keep the laptop clean and secure away from hazards such as pets and/or younger siblings.

  • Keep food and drink away from the laptop at all times to avoid accidental spills.

  • Keep laptops in book bags at all times when not in use- this helps prevent leaving it somewhere.

  • Use your laptop only for school work.

We use the laptops daily for classwork. Please make sure they are brought to school EVERY DAY *charged* and ready to go!

Pop the Top

“Pop the Top” is one solid hour of reading for pleasure with no comprehension questions, no reading responses, nothing but pure pleasure. I want our kiddos to get enjoyment from reading, and that will never happen if they are constantly having to take tests and answer questions about what we read.

Part of the fun and enjoyment in this is that they get to choose their reading material. They get to bring a blanket or towel from home to lay on. AND...they get to bring a soda/juice/other drink from home to sip while they read.

I will also have some drinks on hand that the kids can buy for $0.50 each week in case you don’t keep cans or singles at home and don’t have time to stop at the store. I will use the money from the purchase of sodas to buy more sodas, and items for our treasure box.

We will be doing our Pop the Top on Fridays.

getting involved

If you are interested in volunteering at the school, whether it's in my classroom, in the lunchroom, or on a field trip, you'll need to submit a new clearance form every school year. Please be advised that it can take several days to get cleared if you have always lived in North Carolina, and several weeks if you have lived in any other states. Click here to get started and be set up for the entire year!