Exploring Languages

If you are a 7th grade student in Exploring Languages then this is your page.

You will find the course syllabus and grading information as well as some fun websites to help you practice your skills.

Exploring Language Grading Policy

Late Work Policy - from the MMS Student Handbook

Late work will be accepted at Mooresville Middle School with a reduction of points on the assignment. Students have until the Friday before interim reports are sent home to make-up assignments. Once interim reports go home students have one week to turn in work for late credit. If students do not turn in the work by the final late work submission date, they will earn a 0 in the gradebook.

Dates will be communicated to students in class and also via Canvas.

Cell Phone Policy - from the MMS Student Handbook

Cell phone use is not allowed in classrooms during instructional time. Students are to put their cell phones away while in the classroom, unless expressly permitted by the classroom teacher. Consequences will occur if a student is found using their cell phones during instructional time and without permission from their teacher. Please note below the discipline plan with regard to cell phone use as it specifically pertains to the classroom and protected instructional time.

1st Offense - If the phone rings or the student has the phone out in class, they will receive a warning from the teacher. The teacher will then document the warning.

2nd Offense - If the phone goes off again or the student has it out again, the phone will be collected and returned at the end of class. The teacher will document that the phone was collected and will contact home.

3rd Offense - If the phone goes off again or the student has it out again, the phone is taken and turned in to the front office. A parent will be notified that the student can pick it up at the end of the day in the front office. The teacher will document that the phone was turned in. Front office personnel will contact the parent.

4th Offense - If the phone goes off again or the student has it out again, it will become an office referral. The administrator will take the phone and put it in the front office for the remainder of the day and the student will receive ISS. The administrator will contact the parent.

Tardy To Class Policy - NOT tardy to school

1st and 2nd Tardies - Verbal warning

3rd Tardy - Teacher-student conference plus a phone call home

4th Tardy - After school detention plus a phone call home

5th Tardy and beyond - Office referral

**Tardies reset to zero at the beginning of each quarter.

Fun Websites for Practice!

www.duolingo.com You can create a free account to learn any language you wish.

www.freerice.com You can answer questions on a variety of subjects while helping to end worldwide hunger.

www.quia.com You can search for games to play in a variety of languages

https://www.purposegames.com/games Just search by language to find games to play.