What is Milliken Gospel Church's tentative reopening plan?

Cantonese Worship will resume in-person worship (indoors) in the Sanctuary. Capacity will be set at to 89 people

Mandarin Worship will resume in-person worship (indoors) in the Sanctuary. Capacity will be set at to 83 people

English Worship will resume in-person worship (indoors) in the Chapel. Capacity will be set at to 60 people

Is congregational singing allowed during in-person Worship?

Singing is permitted under O. Reg 364/20, however, each congregation may choose to impose its own regulations. Please reach out to your congregational deacons / leaders to obtain the latest procedures.

How will Sunday School be scheduled after reopening?

Please reach out to your congregational deacons / leaders to obtain the latest procedures. The plan will be to conduct Sunday school in a hybrid (in-person & online) manner

Being a ministry leader, how best can I plan for reopening the ministry programs? Where can I find additional support?

Please plan your ministry programs in full compliance with the latest Ontario public health rules and the York Region Public Health directives. We encourage you to consider hybrid operations (in- person and online) either simultaneously, or on alternating frequencies, if there is a need. Please consult your congregation's deacon board for specific questions/advice, or the church’s General Business for technical support.

What is the church's normal operation hours?

The church building is open from Monday to Friday from 9am to 4pm.

When will in-person Children worship or Children program reopen?

Children under 5 are currently not eligible to receive COVID-19 vaccines. We are constantly monitoring the latest York Region Public Health directives. We are currently operating children’s programs in an extra-cautious manner. The Timothy fellowship will be having outdoor fellowship in August. For further information, please contact Children Ministry or Pastor Amy Chow

For further information on to best protect children aged 4-12, please visit the Ministry of Health's guide on Vaccinations for Children at School

What has the church done to ensure health and safety in church?

MGC has released a COVID-19 Safety Plan and reopening Guidelines that everyone should review, understand, and make every effort to follow.

In addition, the church has taken considerable steps to ensure health and safety, such as:

Will I be subject to health screening when attending worship service or in-person programs?

Yes. A QR code is placed at the front entrance that accesses the self-assessments questionnaire, screening form, and waiver.

What is MGC's stance on vaccinations? Will you be requiring vaccinations for persons who attend in-person programs?

We respect that people may have valid reasons for not being vaccinated. At the moment, we will not be placing any requirements, nor performing any verifications, on vaccination status for those who choose to attend our in-person programs.

However, we strongly encourage that all able-bodied brothers/sisters receive at least one dose of any approved COVID-19 vaccinations.

Please review the following free education materials on vaccination safety and facts: https://www.ontario.ca/page/covid-19-communication-resources#vaccine-facts

Vaccines can be booked at no cost through the Ontario Vaccination Portal: https://covid-19.ontario.ca/book-vaccine/

How is the ventilation at church, is there any upgrade after the lockdown?

All of our roof-top heating and air-conditioning units undergo regular inspection and maintenance to ensure that they operating in efficient conditions and in a good manner. Any identified irregularities are rectified immediately.

The intake air filters for all ventilation units are also checked routinely by external an externally certified contractor. We replaced one of the furnaces in Sept 2020.

Are indoor group meals allowed in church?

Not currently. For health and safety reasons, group meals are not allowed while inside the church building.

Is there shuttle between School Parking to Church entrance after reopen?

The shuttle service is currently suspended.

Who should I contact regarding to church reopening?

Please submit any related questions or concerns to the Reopening Committee.

Who should I contact if I want to serve and support Milliken Gospel Church after reopening?

Please contact your congregation deacon board.