Creative Ideas at Home

Open-ended Art

Here are some examples from the classroom. Grab anything you have on hand! Loose papers, cardboard, some leafs and sticks, string, and see what your child will create!

*I personally try to limit the materials I put out to 3 items.

Water Science Experiment

Pour some water in a container and see what floats and what doesn't. Ask questions about it such as, "How does it float?" "What will happen if we put this in the water?" or "Will this go to the bottom?"

Seed Jar

With Spring so close, this is a fun activity to do with your child and talk about the process of how we grow our food, seeing how the seeds open up, and what may actually pop out!

What you will need:

  • Cloth (or paper) Towels

  • Water

  • Seeds (Pea and bean seeds grow quickly)

  • Large jar (a Ziploc bag will work as well)

STEP 1: Fill the jar with the towels of your choice. Kids can fold them and push them down into the jar / Ziploc. This is also great work for little hands.

STEP 2: Gently water your seed jar to wet the paper towels. DO NOT FLOOD IT!

STEP 3: Carefully push seeds down into the paper towels around the edge of the jar / bag so they can still be seen. Make sure they are firmly held in place.

Home-made Playdough

Your child can help you with this recipe! Please make sure to involve them as much as you can and have them help you knead the dough! Them helping you is helping them in their: Fine Motor Skills (skills that will help prepare them for writing), Math (measuring), Social-Emotional Skills (waiting/taking turns/helping), and will help with attachment between child and caregiver.

You will need:

  • 2 cups of flour

  • ½ cup of salt

  • 1 cup of water

  • 1 tablespoon cooking oil

  • 6-10 drops of essential oil (optional) * I love cinnamon, lavender, and lemongrass

  • 6-15 (or more) drops of food coloring (optional)

  • Medium-Large bowl `


  1. Mix water, cooking oil, essential oil, food coloring first in a medium-large bowl. Make sure the color is mixed in really well.

  2. Add salt and mix

  3. Add flour and mix (if you added food coloring, mix until all of the flour has turned your desired color)

  4. Add some flour onto your countertop or table and knee the dough until it’s not sticky anymore and feels like play dough.