島的南方 Motherland








How do we depict the southern part of an island? What does it look like?

The word ‘South’ here refers to a direction of somewhere, yet not a specific area. Namely, it means ‘a place’ where three artists are active and reside in respectively. Lin Chung-Yung pictured his everyday life, the street sights of a rain soaked city where he shuttles between work and family, in Kaohsiung; Huang Xin-Yao filmed his hometown—the landscapes of Beimen, Jiangjun and Qigu, Tainan—for 12 years; Tsai Meng-Chang is originally from Kaohsiung, but based in Chai-yi. He has traveled between cities and countryside, capturing a part of his daily scenes over a long period of time.

Some motivations for them to illustrate and record, however, come from peculiar weathers, environmental changes caused by economy, industrial development and capitalism; some come from nostalgia, memory, and a sentimental attachment to lands. These ordinary lives give an illusion that flowers remain the same year after year, perhaps they do, yet we realize everything converts and alternates while looking back quietly. It is not only a transformation we have to take a long view, but several small things in everyday life stream gently into our minds, and therefore form an ocean which cannot be ignored. The ‘South’ that artists stare becomes meaningful due to interweaving the outside and inner world. 

Although the ‘South’ seems inescapably as a geographic direction, or a contemporary art topic with multiple definitions under historical contexts, it returns to the simplest perspective—that is, the artists and their own languages—to expound the deepest relationship with south, or a ‘Motherland’ which nourishes us. Through artworks of Lin Chung-Yung, Huang Xin-Yao and Tsai Meng-Chang, we see the way of life in Taiwan; we see marks that time left behind. We also see wills: how artists struggle for survival with themselves, others and surroundings in ordinary life; where they find comfort in their hometowns.

We all have our own south while living on this island.


黃信堯 Huang, Xin-Yao 


蔡孟閶 Tsai, Meng-Chang


林純用 Lin, Chung-Yung



林小溪 Lin, Xiao-Xi



▾  與談人:策展人 林小溪 x 藝術家 林純用、黃信堯、蔡孟閶     ▾  時間:2023.05.13 (六) 15:00
