


The Stories of Mezzo Art 

We are going to celebrate our upcoming fifth anniversary in October 2023. In retrospect, the founder Linda Lin, who is enthusiastic for art, started from collecting to sharing art pieces and eventually established Mezzo Art.

In these five years, we have contributed to supporting artists in different ways, presented fabulous artworks to the public, and put our main goal ‘concentrating on Taiwanese arts’ into practice. By means of celebrating our fifth anniversary, The Stories of Mezzo Art exhibits not only our collections, but stories in between arts and people.





藝術家 霍剛、許雨仁、李光裕、鄧卜君、楊順發&洪政任、周慶輝、張永達、藝術史研究者蕭瓊瑞、國美館館長陳貺怡、高美館前館長李玉玲、富立建設總監陳聰徒、高禾醫院院長許庭源、采泥藝術總經理林清汶

「藝非凡到底是什麼? 」一分鐘預告篇 

開幕花絮    時間  2023.08.26 (六) 15:00
