Sample Schedules

Sample Student Schedule

Remember that our goal is to have a reasonable set of expectations for each student. They may want to work at very different times of the day, and that is when they are able. That is fine. This is a suggestion, and it demonstrates that we should support a holistic set of suggestions for students. We do want to be a main point of connection and routine for them in some way and offer a couple of touchpoints, to keep and foster the connection you and the school have with them.

update schedule here

Attendance Procedure

Advisors Take attendance by 10am on the Tracker (above). Students will check in with you either: on the Advsiory VC, Google Classroom, text or email check in with goals.

School Coordinators Transfer to PS.

Pam sends to RIDE by 1pm

Sample Advisor Weekly To Do List

Staff Weekly to do List - Virtual

Doug and Angela's Schedules

Partnership Schedules