About Mr. Shatzman

So, who is Mr. Shatzman anyway?

Hello, website visitor! I'm Marc Shatzman - Skyview's very own 6th grade Challenge ELA/Social Studies/Science teacher. I couldn't be happier than to have the privilege to teach these to subjects at Skyview as I'm able to include so many of my own interests into them! 

You might ask, "Hey Mr. Shatzman, what personal interests did you include in Challenge ELA?" I'd reply by saying: "I'm a huge fan of Science Fiction! I've hand picked a bunch of fun stories from that genre and others that will be sure to entertain you. PLUS, I'm a big fan of theater! So, we will definitely be touching on some acting/theater related activities."

Having mentioned Science Fiction, you might also then ask me "so...what about actual science?" I'd of course reply, "Do I like science?! Well, does carbon have an atomic weight of 12.01 amu?! (It does.) I am a firm believer that you never stop learning and science is always changing and new discoveries are always being made! I'll be sure to keep you well-informed as I learn new things as discoveries are made. Have YOU seen the newest images from the James Webb Space Telescope?"

You, then would ask, "Ok, so what interests did you include with Challenge Social Studies?" With that question, I'd reply: "Are you kidding?! I LOVE traveling and learning about other cultures, so you just know that I'm going to be sharing all kinds of crazy facts/trivia as we study the globe. I'm also a HUGE foodie - especially when it comes to international cuisine - so talking about the foods of different countries will come up often!"

Finally, you'd probably ask, "But, what about you, Mr. Shatzman. What's your story?" With that question, I'd say: " Well, I not only teach in Methacton, but I live in the Methacton School District as well with my wife and two boys (who are 6 and 8 years old). Before moving here, I lived and worked in New York City. I will say that I wasn't always a teacher, but had another job that my students tend to find fascinating. If you are interested in Batman, Harry Potter, or movies in general...you might want to ask me about it sometime."

Beyond that, the door to my room (rm. 701) is always open if you ever have any questions.

 Welcome to 6th grade Challenge!