

As our Challenge units are project-based, homework consists of follow-up work in progress and may be different for each child. For specific homework and work in progress, please refer to your child's homework assignment book or the "Homework Quick Links."



1st-2nd Grade 1st -2nd Grade

3rd Grade 3rd Grade

4th Grade 4th Grade


How Will My Child Know What Is Assigned?

Homework is recorded in the student Homework Assignment or Agenda book. Time and direction is given during class (often at the end or class or at a logical break in instruction/work time) for assignments to be written. Assignments will also be posted in Google Classroom.

For younger students, the format used by the classroom teacher (folder, journal, etc.) is utilized. This allows assignments and expectations to be recorded in one location for both the classroom and Challenge assignments.

What Kind of Homework Can My Child Expect?

Homework is typically given as a follow-up to in class assignments and/or projects in our units of study. Shorter term assignments for example may be completing a task started in class, finding research or materials to start/continue a project during the next scheduled class, completing a planner or graphic organizer as one step in a larger project, etc. Longer term assignments (projects and presentations) typically have multiple, short-term deadlines within the overall time frame to help break down the project into smaller manageable parts. Ask your child to share project guidelines and grading sheets for the larger assignments. Homework and at-home assignments should not be overwhelming. Strategies to plan and prioritize work are discussed in class and, most often, time is given in class to work on projects in development. It is important that homework be completed as we most often utilize the work done at home in continuing the project or task at hand during the next scheduled class.