Meet Mrs. Brown

Mrs. Brown
Mrs. Brown with Mr. Brown, Asher, and Jillian!
2023-2024 Third Grade Team!

Hi!  My name is Mrs. Brown and the 2024-2025 school year will be my thirteenth year teaching in Methacton School District. Arrowhead has been my home now for all thirteen years! Prior to coming to third grade, I was Arrowhead's Emotional Support Teacher for grades kindergarten through 4th grade.  I also supported Audubon as well.  I have a dual certification in both elementary and special education.  From Arcadia University, I have a Masters of Education in Applied Behavior Analysis and love using that knowledge to support every student to reach their full potential.  

When I am not at school, I enjoy spending time with my husband and kids!  I also love singing to (and watching) Broadway shows, reading, baking, and watching TV.

I am eager to start another exciting year at the greatest elementary school! 

Things Mrs. Brown Loves:

Birthday: October 27th

Favorite Color: Purple

Favorite Food: Pasta

Favorite Drink: Coffee

Favorite Book: Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

Favorite Author: Eric Carle

Family: Mr. Brown, Asher (4), and Jillian (1)

Arrowhead is the best!

Contact Information:


Phone Number: 610-489-5000 ext. 44212