Kelly Cohen


Kelly Cohen, MS.Ed.

Arrowhead School Counselor

(610) 489-5000 ext. 44206

Meet the Counselor


Hi! My name is Kelly Cohen and I am the School Counselor at Arrowhead Elementary. I am proud to be part of the "Arrowhead family."

I received my undergraduate bachelor's degree in Elementary Education for Towson Univeristy. I earned my Master's of Counseling degree and elementary school counseling certification from West Chester University. It is my second year here at Arrowhead, but I have been working in the district for 20 years at Worcester Elementary as a teacher!

I have a husband and two boys who I love dearly. A fun fact is that I went to Arrowhead as a student myself!

My students often refer to me as the "feelings teacher " because I talk with them about their feelings. I meet with students to discuss making friends and getting along with others, making good choices, family changes and/or loss, acting responsibly, handling conflict, controlling anger, recognizing personal strengths and weaknesses, and many other topics!

Students can make an appointment to come see me if they'd like to talk about their feelings or whatever is on their mind. In each classroom there is a "feelings can" with self referral forms. Students can fill out the form and drop it off in mailbox.

I support parents, too! If you have any concerns regarding your child, or if your family is experiencing something out of the ordinary, I welcome the opportunity to speak with you. Please feel free to contact me. The best way to ensure your child's academic and personal success is through communication and teamwork!

Methacton School Counseling Program Mission Statement

Methacton School Counseling Program

Mission Statement

The Methacton School District Counseling Program

maximizes student potential in academic, career,

personal and social development. The program

encourages student success through collaboration

with families, staff, and community.

I Believe...Statement

I believe:

Students have the right to be respected and treated with dignity.

All students can achieve and should be given the opportunity to reach their highest potential.

Students learn best in a safe, supportive and encouraging environment.

Students need to be exposed to opportunities for growth in academic, career and personal/social areas through a data driven school counseling program.

Students deserve to be in an academic environment that acknowledges and supports individual learning styles and differences.

The school counseling program serves every student through advocacy, leadership and education.

The school counseling program is an integral link between students, families, school and community that cultivates student responsibility and academic achievement.

The school counselor has a professional responsibility to abide by the Ethical Standards of the American School Counselor Association and to seek ongoing professional development.

Individual Counseling

Individual Counseling

Students can meet with their school counselor by self-referral, counselor referral, or teacher or parent request. During individual meetings the school counselor can help children understand and accept themselves, cope with family changes and/or family crises, and develop decision making skills, conflict resolution skills, anger management techniques, and problem solving strategies. The following are just a few examples of the situations in which school counselors can help students:

My parents are getting a divorce. I’m scared about what is happening to our family.

My best friend and I seem to be fighting a lot lately. We just can’t seem to get along.

I am the new student here at school and I am afraid that I just won’t fit in.

My parents are fighting a lot more than they used to - is it something I did?

My father just lost his job and everyone at home seems so upset all of the time.

I have been having nightmares lately and it takes me so long to fall asleep at night.

My grandmother passed away.

Mommy just had a new baby and that baby is ruining everything!

I do my homework, but I can’t seem to remember to bring it with me to school!!!

Tommy told me that if I didn’t give him my lunch money again today I’d be sorry!

Small Group Counseling

Small Group Counseling

Throughout the school year, students in grades kindergarten through fourth grade may be invited to participate in small group sessions. The small group experience is an enjoyable way for students to benefit from personal growth as well as to gain support from peers with similar situations/experiences. Group arrangements are typically made through parent and teacher referrals. The small groups usually meet once a week for approximately six weeks. Small group topics may vary and may be created based on students need. Topics may include (but are not limited to) confidence building, changing families/divorce, friendship, social skills, organizational skills and more.

**All kindergarteners participate in "Confident Kinders" group. This group is designed to enhance kindergarteners' confidence as they adjust to the school setting.

Counseling Core Curriculum

Counseling Core Curriculum

A core curriculum based on the American School Counselor Association Standards is provided for all students.


Respect Yourself and Others

Students are introduced to several puppet friends who help them learn about making new friends, expressing feelings, appreciating differences, and handling conflict. In addition, kindergarten students learn about personal safety.

First Grade

Making S'More Friends,

A Camping Adventure

In first grade there is an emphasis on making and keeping friends. Children go on camping adventures in their classroom! Sitting around the "campfire," the students learn to appreciate differences, express their feelings to friends, and solve friendship problems.

Second Grade

Let's Be Friends and Work it Out

In second grade students learn the importance of friendship. Students practice skills to initiate and maintain friendships. Strategies to encourage self-control and resolve conflicts among friends are introduced. Personal safety is revisited.

Third Grade

We Are the Same and Different

The third grade curriculum focuses on human diversity. Students learn to embrace human differences and individuality through the exploration of empathy, discrimination and bullying. Personal safety is revisited.

Fourth Grade

I Can Handle It!

Students in fourth grade learn to identify stress in their lives. Students discuss the effects of stress on their mind and body. Stress management techniques are exlored and practiced.

Smart and Successful!

The concept of multiple intelligences is introduced with a focus on career awareness. Students create their very first resume! Career portfolios (K-4) are reviewed by students.

Additionally, counselors help students prepare for their transition to Skyview Upper Elementary School.

Career Awareness

Career Awareness Begins in Elementary School!

Did you know that your child has a carer portfolio?

Each year a new career page is added.

Students will have opportunities to review their career portfolio with the counselor as they look to their future.

Bully Prevention

Bully Prevention in Positive Behavior Support

Bully Prevention in School-Wide Positive Behavior Support is a prevention focused alternative to student support that blends socially valuable outcomes, research based procedures, behavioral science, and a systems approach to reduce problem behavior and improve school climate.

Bully Prevention in School-Wide Positive Behavior Support helps establish a school-wide social culture where positive behavior is “expected” and rewards for bullying are NOT provided. The school counselors, along with classroom teachers at every elementary school, teach a series of lessons in each class presenting Bully Prevention in School-Wide Positive Behavior Support.

As part of Bully Prevention in School-Wide Positive Behavior Support, students will learn the school rules:

  • Be Safe

  • Be Respectful

  • Be Responsible

Expectations for following these rules are explained and discussed.

Students will also be introduced to the STOP, WALK, TALK strategies. During lessons students will participate in role-play scenarios to practice these strategies. Students will learn to use STOP, WALK, TALK strategies to respond to inappropriate remarks, gossip, cyber bullying and other forms of unsafe, disrespectful or bullying behavior. The role of the bystander is also highlighted.


You may have heard your child mention, “Em-bee-thy.” Em-bee-thy is a bee that teaches students about EMPATHY. Students learn that EMPATHY is …

Seeing with the eyes of another.

Listening with the ears of another.

Feeling with the heart of another.

Empathy is putting yourself in the shoes of another and imagining how that person feels.


This year, with the school consolidaiton, we are having a special focus on teamwork to bring new and returning students together, as fellow students/schoolmates and the "Arrowhead Family"!!


Students will be introduced to the word RESILIENT. They will learn that being resilient means to “bounce back” when something unexpected occurs that makes us feel sad, scared, confused or frustrated. To be resilient, one must be flexible and be willing to try again.


Last year students learned to be FLEXIBLE. Being flexible means to accept a new or different way of doing something or thinking about something. Students will be encouraged to show a positive attitude about change, and to bounce back and go on with their day, especially during times of change.

Ask your child about the above concepts. Your child’s personal and social growth can be enhanced through communication and the partnership of home and school. Have a great school year!

Parent Resources

Parent Resources

Parent Conferences

Please call to schedule an appointment to discuss any social, emotional or academic concerns you may have for your child. Together, we can support your child during stressful situations and transitions. Referrals to community resources are also available.

Parent Resource Library

Parenting resources are available! Feel free to borrow children's books to help you discuss sensitive issues (such as separation, divorce, death, etc) with your child. Resources for parents are also available.

Family Workshop

Please watch for information and flyers about our family workshop, Homework Without Headaches!


Referral information about community agencies and services is available for families. Please call me and I will be happy to help you.

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