Health Education Curriculum


Health Curriculum – Grades 3 & 4


MISSION: It is the mission of this planned course to help students understand the physical, mental, and emotional health needs of people.



Grades 3 and 4: One time per cycle for 50 minutes (half year only)


PROGRESS REPORT: Students receive a grade in Health at the end of the second and third trimester.  

    -  The following designations are used for each category: 

       E ...... Exceeds Expectations

       M ..... Meets Expectations

       D ...... Developing

       I ........ Inconsistent

       N ...... Not Meeting Expectations

      N/A ... Not Applicable Currently

       A ...... Audit



Curriculum - Grade 3

The following topics are taught in health class for students in third grade:

1.)   Healthy Beginnings

 a.   triangle of health

b.   health-related fitness

c.   F.I.T.T. Principle

d.   keeping your heart healthy

e.   likes and dislikes


 2.)   Nutrition

a.   MyPlate

b.   portions

c.   nutrients

d.   calories

e.   food labels / ingredients

f.   healthy diet / sensible snacks

g.   overweight and obesity   


3.)  Healthful Living

a.   germs / body defenses      

b.   communicable / non-communicable diseases

c.   personal hygiene

d.   dental health

e.   basic drug education

f.    sun safety 



Curriculum - Grade 4

The structure and function of the following major body systems are taught in health class for students in fourth grade:

 a.   Skeletal System

 b.   Muscular System

 c.   Circulatory System

 d.   Respiratory System

 e.   Nervous System

 f.    Urinary System

 g.   Digestive System



 MSD Health and Physical Education Department