Virtual Learning Tips

  • Check your email a few times a day for potential updates, teacher feedback, and helpful information, perhaps in between class, before or after lunch, and/or during Warrior Win.

  • Check the Google Classroom and Google Calendar to double check assignment and assessment due dates.

  • Create file folders in Gmail (Tutorial to create folders in Gmail) and Google Drive (Tutorial to create folders in Google Drive ) for each class.

  • Use a digital student planner or Google Keep (Tutorial on Google Keep) to help keep track of deadlines and to plan ahead.

  • Use Google Calendar with remind alerts to organize video conferencing meetings or Zoom links.

  • Take advantage of breaks in between and/or during classes to use the restroom, get a drink, and to move around a bit.

  • Try your best to avoid distractions; put your phone on mute and somewhere you can’t see it.