Arcola Boy's Lacrosse
Head Coach: Mr.David Mayan (Arcola room 154)
Assistant Coach: Mr.Gage Farrell
Parents AND athletes! New Remind codes for the 2025 season. Please join our Remind group so you don't miss any announcements. We will send an announcement as we leave the field after all away games with an estimate of our arrival time at Arcola.
Enter this number: 81010
Text this message: @7hfg3d
Google class code Google Classroom
For all forms clink on the link:
Click HERE to complete our REQUIRED Emergency Medical Form
Season Schedule & Info:
If you want to leave with your parents from the game the Transportation form must be filled out before the game. click the link: form
Methacton Lacrosse Boosters are hosting ACS lacrosse for new equipment store (To Be Determined)
Open Gyms are beginning on 2/12 and 2/13 3-4:30pm in the Green and white gym...then every Tuesday and Wednesday until the season starts.
Here is a link to the required equipment:
We will start in the team room on Monday and end at the backfield (8) where we practice.
We will not return to the building after practice, So, you will bring all equipment home every day. Ensure you have a bag for your gear (an old bag will work).
3/10 - 5/14. We practice from 3:00 to 5:00 pick up at the Field by the maintenance building every day that school is in session and there are no games.
Pick-up after games will be by the planetarium entrance