Create Performance Task

In the Create Performance Task (PT) you will develop, test, and refine a program of your choosing. Here are some general comments before we get into the details.

  • Your grade depends on how well you answer the written prompts; not how sophisticated your program is. Please take the time to understand what the CollegeBoard wants you to communicate.

  • You may collaborate with another student but the video and written response must be done individually. The program itself will need to be "more".

  • Your program may be based on something we have done in class (or that you have seen elsewhere) but it must include substantial changes and your written responses must be only about those sections that you wrote.

In the end, your submission includes a:

  • short (no more than a minute) video that shows your program running and at least one significant feature.

  • written response to the specific prompts

  • pdf of the program code

Here are some useful links: