Team Expectations
Team Behavior Expectations
Respect One Another By:
Keeping hands to ourselves
Saying kind words to each other
Not talking while others are talking
Passing Period
Students have three minutes between classes to go the bathroom, get a drink, and arrive on time to class.
Students should only go to their locker at the beginning of the day, before and after P.E., before and after lunch, and at the end of the day.
Be Prepared
Come to class with all required materials - including writing materials, planner, and Chromebooks for every single class NO MATTER WHAT
Cell Phones/Smart Watches
Cell phones should be in your bookbag turned off or in your locker on silent
If you have a smartwatch that connects to your phone, please make sure notifications are not being sent to you during the school day.
Snack time for 5th and 6th graders is at 10:28
Snacks must be eaten with your mask on within the first 15 minutes of class
Food cannot be eaten in the hall or outside of the cafeteria
Water bottles are for water only
If you have any questions about any of the team rules, please ask a teacher. We are here to help you learn not to create a "gotcha" moment.