Interactive Forum coming up in MANA 2023: Farm to (data)Table: How has your data been Processed?

MANA 2023 will be held in Columbia, MO, USA
See you at 1-2:45 PM Central on Tuesday, October 24th!

The aim of this workshop/forum is to investigate and promote discussion over the process of converting raw MS files into metabolomics datasets, which we will refer to as processing. There will be two sessions. The first session will be three demonstrations from groups who regularly process data, detailing the steps and software packages used, and audience members may optionally participate on their laptops. The second will be an interactive forum where the audience members ask questions or requests, either from the perspective of other data processors, or from those who perform downstream analysis of processed datasets.

Our planned timeline is:

Session 1: Presentations

Short 10 min break

Session 2: 40 Minutes Moderated Discussion

Workshop Organizers: Daniel Hitchcock, Ewy Mathé, Yue Wu