Need To Be Absent From Work?

Non-Discretionary Absences are: Personal Illness, Family Illness, Funeral, or Jury Duty. *Please note that all MEDICAL absences (for self or family) should be coded as "Illness " in AESOP. Do not code them as "Personal", as it will trigger the campus approval process. Do not use "Vacation" unless you are a 226 (most of you are not). ***You need to contact the Admin (Flores) over Class Coverage immediately when it is an unexpected or illness same-day absence. If it is a pre-planned absence you do not need to contact the Admin (Flores) over class coverage because your absence has been approved and you have entered it into AESOP. 

Want to make extra $ covering classes?

Fill out the form below if you are interested in volunteering to cover classes this year during your off time.