Wellness & Counseling

McDonald Students and Parents,

In an effort to stay as connected as possible to our students, MISD Counselors have created virtual counseling centers - one for each high school feeder pattern. This will allow students to request a check in from their counselor, as well as provide resources and information to students and parents. We recognize that not all students have internet access, so we will be reaching out in a variety of ways.

Please join our NMHS Feeder Pattern Google Classroom by going to https://forms.gle/cLWypC9f4DAhG5n77

and Enter Code: zwnpuga

Please complete the contact form there if you need someone to talk to. We are here for you and we are in this together!

Your MMS Counselors.

Please do not hesitate to email us with any questions!!!

Mrs. Hensley hhensley@mesquiteisd.org

Mrs. Cordero scordero@mesquiteisd.org


Información de su Consejera!

En el esfuerzo de mantenernos conectados lo mas posible con nuestros estudiantes, las Consejeras de MISD an creado un Centro de Consejeria Virtual- uno para cada High School y sus escuelas pertenecientes. Esto permitira estudiantes mandar una solicitud para su Consejera, al igual proveer recursos y información para los padres y estudiantes. Entendemos que no todos los alumnos tienen acceso al internet. Por esa razón, tendremos comunicación de varias formas. Favor de unirse a nuestro Google Classroom usando el código: zwnpuga


and Enter Code: zwnpuga

Favor de llenar el formulario si necesita hablar con alguien. Estamos aqui para ustedes y estamos unidos en esto!

Stephanie Cordero y Holly Hensley

Anxiety Conversation Guide... for parents of Middle Schoolers- Click on the link within the link. It will download the PDF to your downloads.

Discovering My Mindful Moment

Need a brain break? Click the link to join us for a workout!