Welcome to the Fall 2020 semester at Mesa Community College! This newsletter will be published bi-weekly, and the link can be found on the Virtual Student Life Center, which also serves as a resource to stay informed on upcoming virtual events, clubs, services and more!


We are excited to introduce our officer team for ASMCC-Your Student Government! Please give a big T-Bird welcome to our new officers, who will be joining Yudidt Nonthe, who was elected Student Body President at the end of the Spring 2020 semester.

The first Student Senate meeting is happening virtually on Thursday, September 10 from 2:00-3:00 pm. The link to this meeting will be shared when it becomes available. All clubs are encouraged to send their student senators, or a representative.

Lorena Austin and Sam Stevens will be serving as advisors to ASMCC.

Curbside Donation Drive for the Mesa Market

Drop off any donations for the Mesa Market on Saturday, September 12 between 8 am-11 am at either campus.

Please consider donating items from this list

If you prefer to provide a monetary donation, please contact Beth Ann Wright at bethann.wright@mesacc.edu

September is Hunger Action Month, a month to take action on the hunger crisis— and dedicate ourselves to finding solutions and serving others. Mesa Community College is hosting a curbside food drive this Saturday, September 12 from 8 am -11 am. Staff, students, and community members can drop off donations to both the Red Mountain and Southern and Dobson campuses without having to get out of the car. All food donations will go to the Mesa Market food pantry and curbside services that assist MCC students and their families. Proof of donation will be provided for students receiving extra credit.

If you are not able to make it to campus, consider donating to the Grocery Gift Card Program by visiting: https://www.mesacc.edu/give-online. In the designation section of the form, select other and enter this fund name: 4373-1AllHunger. Students in need can receive a $50 e-gift card by connecting with the Student Social Services department.

Student Leadership Experience

The Student Leadership Experience is happening September 22-24, and while it's directed at students, faculty and staff are welcome to attend the sessions. There will be two workshops each day, along with two guest leader panels. We are very excited to announce our keynote speaker, Abby Wambach--soccer legend, speaker, activist and author. She'll be joining us on 9/24 at 4 pm.

For more information on the schedule, presenters, panelists, or to register, please visit this link: www.tinyurl.com/2020SLE. This information is also available on our Virtual Student Life Center.

While we encourage participants to attend all sessions, it is not required. Students will eligible for additional chances to win an autographed book signed by Abby Wambach for every session they attend. Please encourage students to sign up for this leadership experience! The deadline to register is 9/18.

Campus Wi-Fi Center

MCC has a limited number of spaces to work using MCC Wi-Fi on your own laptop or to use a college computer. Open for 90-minute appointment sessions Monday through Friday in BA40 on the Southern and Dobson campus and in the Desert Willow building at Red Mountain. Click here to make your reservations.


Mesa Market Curbside

Find the details below.

Every week students can order a food bag filled with basic food pantry items. Hygiene products and school supplies will also be available. Curbside services will begin the week of August 31 and will be available at both the Red Mountain and Southern and Dobson campuses. Curbside services need to be scheduled by noon the day before your pick-up.

Southern and Dobson Campus

Access the Southern and Dobson pickup from the Library Entrance east of Dobson Road

Tuesdays- 10 am-12 pm (schedule curbside service by noon on Monday)

Thursdays- 4 pm-6 pm (schedule curbside service by noon on Wednesday)

Red Mountain Campus

The Red Mountain pickup site is at the Red Mountain Way (bus stop by the flagpole) in front of the Mesquite building

Wednesdays- 11 am-1 pm (schedule curbside service by noon on Tuesday)

Click HERE to request your Food/Hygiene/School Supply bag. Would you like to receive text reminders about the Mesa Market and We Care Wednesdays? Text the code @MesaMarket to the number 81010 (or click here) to be added to a Remind group.

Constitution Day

Maricopa County Recorder, Adrian Fontes will be answering your questions LIVE on Constitution Day, September 17 from 9:45-10:30 am. CLICK HERE to join the livestream. You will login to WebEx with your MEID and password.

Latin American Heritage Month

MCC will be celebrating Latin American Heritage Month with a variety of events from September 15-October 12. Visit this page on the Virtual Student Life Center to keep up to date on the events and activities happening to celebrate Latin American Heritage Month. Do you feel like taking a virtual trip? Check out the "All the Places You'll Go in Latin America" virtual tour! More to come soon!

Student Success Fair

Save the date for the Student Success Fair! It will take place the week of September 14-18. Throughout the week, there will be a variety of speakers, presentations, and activities provided in an effort to help you achieve success at MCC! Stay tuned for more information and stay TBIRD STRONG.

Did you join a club?

Club Rush Week might be over, but it's not too late to sign up for clubs at MCC! You can still join a club by filling out this google form, and selecting the club(s) you are interested in! You can also watch the Flipgrid commercials made by some of our clubs (more to come!).

SOS: Students Offering Support

Every Tuesday at 11 am, your Student Ambassadors will be online to answer questions, offer support, or just to chat! Join them through Google Meet by using this link. The MCC Student Ambassadors are here for you! Stop by and say HI! We're all in this together and it's so important to get engaged on campus, develop friendships and connections to your peers. Get to know some of our MCC student leaders. They know a thing or two, so feel free to ask your questions about being an MCC student!

Student Success Workshops

MCC Foundations for Student Success offers a series of free weekly workshops so you can learn how to be a successful online student, manage stress and stand tall as Thunderbird who deserves to be a college student! The WebEx link to the workshops can be found here. The September schedule of workshops is as followed:

  • Managing Stress and Anxiety-Monday 9/14 from 12-1 pm and Thursday 9/16 from 10-11 am

  • Time Management 9/21 from 12-1 pm and Thursday 9/24 from 10-11 am

  • Surviving College 9/28 from 12-1 pm and Thursday 10/1 from 10-11 am

Career Services Virtual Workshops

The Career Services staff is going to be hosting virtual workshops for the Fall 2020 semester. We will host workshops every Tuesday from September 1st through December 1st. The workshops will take place three times each Tuesday at 10am , 2pm, and 6pm to reach as many students as possible. The topics of our workshops for the semester will be Resume/Cover Letter Writing and Interviewing. The links for each of the workshops can be found on the Events Calendar on the Career Services webpage. Each workshop is an hour long.

Center for Community & Civic Engagement

The MCC Center for Community & Civic Engagement has a variety of activities planned for the fall semester. For more details, please visit their webpage.

VOLUNTEERFEST: Grab your hammers, nails, and tape measures and join us for our virtual VolunteerFest. Come e-meet with agencies eager to get you engaged in volunteer and/or service-learning projects.

September 9th & 10th:

9:00am to 10:00am, 10:30am to 11:30am, 12:00pm to 1:00pm--via WebEx

Wednesday's Link

Thursday's Link

CIVIC ACTION HOUR: Wednesdays from 12-1 pm (see flyer below or visit their website for full line up or speakers)

CIVIC ENGAGEMENT EVENTS: Students can participate in a variety of events, projects, and civic engagement opportunities throughout the semester. Get your Civic Engagement Scorecard and be recognized as a Civic Scholar. Students can self enroll in a Civic Engagement Canvas course and track your progress and activities. See the flyers below or visit the Center for Community and Civic Engagement for more information. This is so important!

JOIN THE MCC VOTES TEAM: You're invited to join the Engagement Team to organize and plan civic engagement events. Complete the information at this link and be informed on upcoming activities.

Virtual Transfer Fairs

Drop-in online to meet online with representatives from partnering 4-year colleges and universities to explore transfer programs, prepare to apply for university admission and financial aid, and learn how to maximize transfer credit toward a bachelor's degree. 15-20 transfer partners will be at each event. If you're thinking of transferring soon, don't miss this!

September 22, 2020, 12-2 pm


September 30, 2020, 12-2 pm


Did you know....

  • If you put your finger in your ear and scratch, it sounds just like Pac-Man.

  • The YKK on your zipper stands for "Yoshida Kogyo Kabushikigaisha."

  • Maine is the closest U.S. state to Africa.

  • Anne Frank, Martin Luther King Jr., and Barbara Walters were born in the same year, 1929.

  • The name Jessica was created by Shakespeare in the play Merchant of Venice.

  • Cleopatra lived closer to the invention of the iPhone than she did to the building of the Great Pyramid.

  • Russia has a larger surface area than Pluto.

  • Hippo milk is pink.