Important Club Forms and Links

These are some of the forms and links your club may need access to throughout the year. If there is something you need that you don't see on this list, please contact someone from the Student Life Team.

  • Statement of Club Activity Form: This is used to establish your club activity status for the school year, and is typically required to be submitted within the first few weeks of the semester. It is also used to re-activate a club that has been dormant for any amount of time.

  • Travel Packet: When students travel for any official club activities, they are required to complete the travel packet. The completed packet should be returned to the Office of Student Life & Leadership. Your club advisor should bring a copy of Emergency Information Form with them on the trip.

  • Club Advisor/Officer Training: Club advisors are required to participate in Advisor Training to maintain the club's Active Status. Officers are also encouraged at complete the training.

  • Get the Word Out: Use this link to get assistance from the MCC Institutional Advancement department in the promotion of your club events.

  • T-Bird Times Newsletter-Content Submission: Submit your events or other club updates to be published in the bi-weekly Student Life newsletter. The T-Bird Times is published on the first and third Friday of each month.

  • ASMCC Student Senate Information: Clubs serve an important role in the Student Governance process at MCC. Each active club has a vote in the ASMCC Student Senate, and should designate a Student Senator to serve in that role. *Senate takes place on Tuesdays at 3 pm in BP-4 and Mesquite 210 (RM), and is also streamed via WebEx.

  • Spring 2022 Club/Student Life Brochure

Do you have an idea for a new club?

Starting a new club is easy! The main requirements for starting a new club are 1) submit a club constitution 2) secure an MCC faculty/staff member to serve as your advisor 3) find students who are would be interested in joining. For more detailed information on starting a new club, please visit the following links: