MEAS Accreditation

We are happy to announce that Modern Education American School has been named a 2022 Cognia™ School of Distinction for Excellence in Education.

Cognia Schools of Distinction are pre-K–12 education institutions that exemplify excellence in education and service to learners. Cognia selected Modern Education American School as one of the 96 schools and 38 systems out of more than 1,500 institutions from around the globe that were eligible for its 2022 Cognia Schools of Distinction.

“Modern Education American School is to be commended on their recognition as a School of Distinction,” said Dr. Mark A. Elgart, President and CEO of Cognia. “Cognia Accreditation is already a mark of distinction recognized around the world. Being named a School or System of Distinction further recognizes the commitment to education quality Modern Education American School has for its learners,” he added.

The Schools of Distinction program recognizes schools and systems that truly stand out in their service to learners. The Schools of Distinction earn this recognition based on the results of Cognia’s rigorous Accreditation Engagement Review process.

We would like to thank each member of the MEAS Community, Parents, Teachers, Administrators, Staff, and of course, our Students! This is our collective success!

Modern Education American School Accreditation Results

Modern Education American School has been accredited since 2000. Every five years (now, every six years) all American Schools in Egypt undergo a review to renew their accreditation by Cognia. Cognia serves and supports 36,000 schools and approximately 25,000,000 students in 90 countries.

We are happy and proud to share our results:

Schools are assessed based on three domains: Leadership, Learning, and Resources. Each domain has between 8-12 points of assessment (called standards). After assessing the school in these domains, the school is given an overall score called an IEQ Index of Educational Quality reported on a scale of 100 to 400.

Below is the average score range of all Cognia institutions around the world evaluated for accreditation in the last five years. The range of the IEQ average is presented to enable schools to benchmark their results with other institutions in the network from around the world.

IEQ score range average for institutions accredited by Cognia over the last five years is:

278.34 - 283.33

We are very proud to announce that Modern Education American School scored an IEQ of:

389.5 out of a possible 400

An IEQ score below 250: indicates that the institution has several areas within the Initiate level and should focus its improvement efforts on those Standards within that level.

An IEQ in the range of 225–300: indicates that the institution has several Standards within the Improve level and is using results to inform continuous improvement and demonstrate sustainability.

An IEQ of 275 and above: indicates the institution is beginning to reach the Impact level and is engaged in practices that are sustained over time and are becoming ingrained in the culture.

In addition, MEAS scored the following in each of the three domains:

Domain Number of Standards Modern Education American School Score

Leadership Capacity 10 4 out of 4 possible points on each of the 10 standards

Learning Capacity 12 4 out of 4 possible points on each of the 12 standards

Resource Capacity 8 4 out of 4 possible points on each of the 8 standards

We are happy and proud of our results! We would like to thank each member of the MEAS Community, Parents, Teachers, Administrators, Staff, and of course, our students! This is our collective success!

Below are details about each of the domains:

Cognia Standards Diagnostic Results:

The Cognia Performance Standards Diagnostic is used by the Engagement Review Team to evaluate the institution's effectiveness based on the Cognia Performance Standards. The diagnostic consists of three components built around each of three Domains: Leadership Capacity, Learning Capacity, and Resource Capacity. Results are reported according to the following:

Leadership Capacity Domain

The capacity of leadership to ensure an institution's progress toward its stated objectives is an essential element of organizational effectiveness. An institution's leadership capacity includes the fidelity and commitment to its purpose and direction, the effectiveness of governance and leadership to enable the institution to realize its stated objectives, the ability to engage and involve stakeholders in meaningful and productive ways, and the capacity to implement strategies that improve learner and educator performance. Leadership Capacity assesses school in 12 standards.

Learning Capacity Domain

The impact of teaching and learning on student achievement and success is the primary expectation of every institution. An effective learning culture is characterized by positive and productive teacher/learner relationships, high expectations and standards, a challenging and engaging curriculum, quality instruction and comprehensive support that enable all learners to be successful, and assessment practices (formative and summative) that monitor and measure learner progress and achievement. Moreover, a quality institution evaluates the impact of its

learning culture, including all programs and support services, and adjusts accordingly. Learning Capacity Standards assesses schools in 12 standards.

Resource Capacity Domain

The use and distribution of resources support the stated mission of the institution. Institutions ensure that resources are distributed and utilized equitably, so the needs of all learners are adequately and effectively addressed. The utilization of resources includes support for professional learning for all staff. The institution examines the allocation and use of resources to ensure appropriate levels of funding, sustainability, organizational effectiveness, and increased student learning. Resource Capacity assesses schools in 12 standards.