Class Information

Dear Parents and Guardians:

 Our Physical Education program at Wemrock Brook School offers a variety of activities both of individual and group participation. We would appreciate your cooperation in helping us provide a healthy and safe environment for your children.

 To keep our experiences safe and healthy, we have developed the following safety rules:

 Clothing: Comfortable fitting, preferably clothing made for activity.

          **No jewelry – watches, rings, bracelets, long earrings, or chains.

          **Eyeglass guards are recommended.

If your child is medically excused from gym class, a note from a parent or doctor is required.

Students grades will be determined based on the following:

*** Please not that this is NOT an inclusive list and can vary each marking period.

 Our Physical Education program is designed to help motivate students achieve lifelong fitness and wellness. With everyone’s cooperation, the experiences in Physical Education should be rewarding, safe, and FUN!  

 Physical Education Rules- Consequences & Rewards


A- Act Safely

B- Be Prepared/Be Positive

C- Cooperate

D- Do your best  

 Our Physcial Education Motto: “Work Hard, Play Hard”


Severe Clause:

*Immediate referral to administration
