Frequently Asked Questions

When can I record announcements?

The morning announcements must be submitted daily no later than 7pm so that they can be edited and uploaded for the morning.

What if I change my mind about being in the crew?

If you change your mind about being in the crew, it's OK. Just email Mrs. Ferreriro so that a replacement can be found.

Will I be on TM TV all year?

No, due to the number of students interested in joining we create a set schedule in order to allow everyone interested the opportunity to join. Once the schedule has been created, we will contact you to let you know when you are scheduled to be on TM TV.

If I am not on TM TV all year, do I still take the group photo?

YES! You have worked hard during the time you were on TM TV, you ABSOLUTELY should be in the group photo for the yearbook.

How will I know when I am scheduled to be on TM TV?

Once the schedule is made, you will receive an email with your scheduled dates. You can view your schedule at any time throughout the year in Google Calendar. Once it gets closer to your scheduled time, you will receive an email reminder. It is important that you are aware of when you are scheduled, if you miss your time, unfortunately it cannot be made up.

Can I be removed from the TM TV crew?

Yes. If your parents, teachers, or administrators feel that you are not keeping up with your school responsibilities by the time of, or during your scheduled participation, you may be removed from the TM TV crew until your performance in school improves. Maintaining your school responsibilities takes priority over participating on the TM TV crew.

What if I am sick, or there's a special event or there is a snow day? Do I get to make up those days?

Unfortunately, no. Since we have so many students who want to participate, we have to closely follow the schedule in order to accommodate everyone. If you are sick, have a special event, or there is a snow day, you will just miss that day.