Important Dates & Reminders


Our weekly newsletter will go home with students on Mondays. Here you can find our homework for the week, what we will be learning, as well as upcoming events and due dates.

  • Please remember to empty your child's folder and book bag daily!

  • Any money for bookclubs or fundraisers should be sent in an envelope labeled with your child's name and the purpose of the money. Please place the envelope in your child's folder.

December 2020

12/1- Kindness Day- Wear your #choosekind shirt, or a shirt with a

positive message!

12/3- Disney Day

12/4- School spirit day- wear blue & white

12/7- School closed for students

Parent teacher conferences, 1:00pm-7:20pm

12/8- Virtual instruction

12/10- Pajama Day

12/11- School spirit day- wear blue & white

12/18- School spirit day- wear blue & white

12/21- White Out Day! Wear white and hope for snow!

12/22- Holiday Sweater Day

12/23- Virtual instruction

Happy Holidays & Happy New Year!!