Physical Education



Mr. Cangialosi Mr. Cincotta Mr. Greitz Ms. Nawrot Ms. Pool

Expectations of Students:

Each student is expected to adhere to the following:

  • Arrive on time for class attendance each day.
  • Try all activities regardless of ability.
  • Give a maximum effort during each class activity.
  • Show concern for and encourage others in class.
  • Accept praise and criticism from teacher or peers.
  • Participate with all students in class.

Student Responsibilities for Class Preparation and Participation:

By law, all students in New Jersey are required to participate in Physical Education unless excused with written documentation from a doctor. Students may be excused for one class period with a note from a parent. Notes must include the medical condition, and physical limitations.

The following responsibilities are required of each student for class:

1. Change into appropriate clothing for physical activity

  • Sneakers
  • Socks
  • Shorts or Sweatpants
  • T-shirt or Sweatshirt

2. Use your own assigned locker to store clothing.

  • It is your responsibility to close and lock your locker during class.
  • It is not recommended to store clothes or valuables overnight in your locker.
  • Sharing lockers with friends is prohibited.

3. Sit down in your squad at your activity location, and await your teacher.

4. Participate fully in all activities regardless of ability.

  • Adhere to safety considerations of each game or activity.

5. Be attentive to all instructions given by your teacher or any member of the staff.

6. Remain at your activity location for the entire class period.

  • You will not be permitted to return to the building once outside for activity – use the bathroom facilities in the locker room after attendance has been recorded by your teacher.

7. Enter and exit the locker room from the appropriate doors.

Grading and Evaluation:

Student will earn their grade in physical education, each marking period, based on the following categories: Preparation (40%), Participation (40%), Sportsmanship (20%). Points may be deducted from each category during every class meeting for the following:

  • Unprepared/No participation
  • Partial Preparation
  • Incomplete Preparation due to: inappropriate clothing, jewelry, chewing gum or hair not tied back securely
  • Poor Sportsmanship/Effort
  • The grade earned in physical education class is recorded on report cards in the same manner as all other classes, and can range from A+ to F.

Your physical education grade will influence your school honor roll status!

Each teacher you encounter during the year may assign different point values to each of the criteria above, and/or add other criteria at their discretion. Your teacher will address their particular grading procedure at the start of each marking period.

Curriculum Objectives:

Motor Skill Development Personal Fitness Development

Agility Cardiorespiratory Endurance

Balance Muscular Endurance

Coordination Muscular Strength

Speed Muscular Flexibility

Power Aerobic Activity

Reaction Time Anaerobic Activity

Team & Individual games, as well as a variety of Sports Activities, will take place during Physical Education class, with the purpose of improving each students’ motor skills and personal fitness.

Soccer Basketball Softball

Flag Football Volleyball Badminton

Speed Ball Personal Fitness Pickleball

Tennis Dance Handball

The Physical Education program at M.E.M.S. is designed to provide meaningful learning experiences and foster lifetime skills through a variety of team sports and movement activities. All of our students will have the right to a maximal and productive learning experience while in Physical Education, regardless of individual skill or athletic ability.

Join in, Get Fit, and Have Fun in Physical Education!