Welcome to
Merritt Public School
Counselor’s Corner
Meet The Counselors
Mrs. Cantrell has been in education for over fifteen years. She has been at Merritt since 2013. In addition to being the Elementary and Middle School Counselor, she is responsible for Title I, ELL, Gifted and Talented, and Native American Education.
She graduated from Oklahoma State University with a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education and from Southwestern Oklahoma State University with a Master’s degree in School Counseling.
Elementary Programs
Health and Safety Fair
Farm Safety Fair
Hand/Face Washing Classes
Online Safety
Monthly FLEX Classes:
Bully Prevention
Character Development
Kindness & Compassion
Career Awareness
Team Building Activities
Mrs. Goodall has been in public education for twenty years. She rejoined Merritt Public School in 2016 as a member of the second grade team and currently serve as the Jr. High/HS Counselor.
She graduated from Southwestern Oklahoma State University with a Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, and a Master of Education in School Counseling. She is certified in Jr. High and High School Science, Elementary Education (1st - 8th grade), and School Counseling.
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for Announcements!
Our school counselors will…..
-abide by the professional school counseling ethics as advocated by the American School Counseling Association.
-continually participate in professional development activities essential to maintaining quality school counseling programs.
Rights, Privacy, and Confidentiality
Our Counseling Philosophy
student philosophy
We believe with the proper support systems in place, all students:
can achieve at high levels according to their strengths and can build upon their weaknesses.
have the right to develop their voice and be given the opportunity to have that voice heard.
have the right to be valued and encouraged to communicate their voice.
have the right to be loved and respected, and in return, learn to show love and respect to others.
have the right to have someone who will advocate for them.
have the right to a safe, nurturing environment in which to thrive.
have the right to have their needs met during a crisis situation.
have the right to be held accountable for their actions and be pushed to achieve nothing less than the best according to their ability level.
parent philosophy
We believe that all parents:
are the most important part of building healthy relationships with their child.
have the right to share their concerns about their child and have those concerns matter.
have the right to seek and obtain beneficial intervention or communication strategies to help their child.
have the right to be informed, updated, and included concerning activities or information being presented to their child.
have the right to be sought out and provided help in crisis situations.
have the right to be informed of resources available to their child in the school setting.
have the right to be informed of resources available to them outside of the school setting.
staff philosophy
We believe that all staff should:
have collaborative opportunities with the counselor to help improve relationships with students.
have collaborative opportunities with the counselor to work to build student coping skills, conflict resolution, anxiety, academic struggles, etc.
be open and willing to share their time with the counselor to best meet the needs of the students.
be provided with opportunities to seek personal guidance to lessen anxiety.
counseling program philosophy
We believe that the school counseling program:
should be equally available to all students.
should be age-appropriate.
should select measurable student competencies based on local needs in the areas of academic, career, and personal/social domains.
is an invaluable resource to student success.
should abide by and be held accountable for the moral and ethic codes of conduct (National, State, & School).
should be preventative and responsive.
should have a delivery system that includes school guidance curriculum, individual planning, responsive services, and system support.
should include a plan for intentional guidance for underserved student populations.
should continually participate in professional development to maintain a quality program.
should continually monitor student progress and follow through.
should strategize improvements each year based on data results.
should obtain feedback each year from students, parents, and teachers on how to improve the program.
should value and encourage community and parental input.
should use every opportunity to discuss student development.
should share successes with stakeholders.
should be culturally sensitive.
Self-Regulation Techniques
What is Self-Regulation?
The ability to monitor and manage your thoughts, behaviors, body, and emotions in a positive, acceptable way when placed in a stressful situation.
5 Senses
Names 5 things you can see
Name 4 things you can hear
Name 3 things you can feel
Name 2 things you can smell
Name 1 thing you can taste
5 Finger Breathing for Deep Relaxation
Using the pointer finger of your opposite hand, begin at the base of your thumb and trace an outline of your hand. As you move your pointer finger up your thumb, breathe in through your nose. As you move down your thumb, breathe out through your mouth. Repeat breathing in and out as you move up and down each finger.
Identify Your Circle of Control
Things I cannot control Things I can control
Other’s Words My Words
Other’s Mistakes My Mistakes
Other’s Thoughts My Thoughts
Other's Actions My Actions