Publications and SCAN News

SCAN News and Media

Some of our amazing SCAN Labbies (including former research assistants, current research assistants, and future research assistants) were inducted into Psi Chi - the International Honor Society in Psychology!


Below are some of our selected and relevant publications. Some of these documents are protected by various copyright laws, therefore they may only be used for personal research. Any other use is prohibited. By clicking on the links below, you are requesting a personal copy of the article. You can also request copies of these papers by emailing

Sleep and Neuroscience Relevant Publications (selected)

Scientific Reports Emotional Memory.pdf

Napping and Emotional Memory in Preschoolers

1. Kurdziel, 2019.pdf

Sleep and Memory Across the Lifespan

9. Cremone, Kurdziel, et al 2016.pdf

Napping and Emotional Attention in Preschoolers

Sleep and Negative Affect in Preschoolers.pdf

Sleep and Negative Affect in Preschoolers

8. Spencer, et al 2016.pdf

Napping in Preschoolers

7. Kurdziel, Mantua, Spencer 2016

Sleep and Word Learning Across the Lifespan

Sleep Spindles and Naps.pdf

Sleep Spindles in Naps and Memory Consolidation in Preschoolers

5. Alhassan, Sirad, Kurdziel, et al 2017.pdf

Actigraphy to Track Sleep and Physical Activity

Sleep and Word Learning.pdf

Sleep and Novel Word Learning in Young Adults

Sleep Cognition and Affect in Cerebellar Ataxia.pdf

Sleep, Cognition, and Affect in Cerebellar Ataxia

13. Kurdziel, Dempsey, Zahara, Valera, Spencer, 2015.pdf

ADHD and Visomotor Adaptation

Maternal Depressive Symptoms and Early Childhood Sleep.pdf

Maternal Depressive Symptoms and Early Childhood Sleep

Social Psychology and Eye Tracking Relevant Publications (selected)

Dodge et al., 2008.pdf

Drive for Muscularity and Beliefs about Performance Enhancing Drugs

Ruscio, Seitchik et al., 2011.pdf

Perseverative Thought and Emotional Challenge in Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder

Cummings & Seitchik, 2020.pdf

Differential Treatment of Women During Service Recovery

Kurdi, Seitchik et al., 2018.pdf

Implicit Association Task and Intergroup Behavior

Seitchik et al., 2016.pdf

Social Facilitation: Using the Molecular to Inform the Molar

Seitchik & Harkins, 2014.pdf

Nonconscious and Conscious Goals and Performance

Silva et al., 2022.pdf

Individual and Group Financial Coaching and Building Financial Capability

Hardway et al., 2018.pdf

Video Use in Classrooms to Inspire Interest, Comprehensibility, and Achieve Learning Outcomes

Medical Education - 2022 - Singh - Biography cards to facilitate student patient connections in obstetrics gynaecology.pdf

Biography cards and Student-Patient Connections in an OB/Gyn Clinic


Merrimack College START Fellowship

Merrimack College Provost Innovation Fund

Zampell Family Faculty Fellowship