Gifted Education

Mission Statement

The Mentor Public Schools Gifted Program aims to enhance the educational experience for gifted students. The goal of the gifted program is to ensure gifted student growth and achievement through a system of support, programming, and advocacy.

Shared Values

The Mentor Public Schools Gifted Program will:

  • meet students' individual needs both academically and socially

  • enrich student interest and abilities

  • foster communication between educators, parents, and students

  • provide a curriculum with appropriate rigor, challenge, and choice

  • offer opportunities for academic interaction with like ability peers as well as the entire school community

  • encourage critical and creative exploration of ideas

  • approach instruction through interdisciplinary and thematic study

  • enrich and accelerate when appropriate

We aim to meet the needs of our gifted students through a wide continuum of services that include:

  • Use of differentiated instructional strategies.

  • Placement in specific gifted programs for gifted students in grades 3-5.

  • Honors and advanced placement classes for secondary students in grades 6-12.

  • The type of service and programming provided to gifted students depends on recent assessment data and what is determined to be most appropriate in meeting an individual student’s needs.