• Present simple vs Present continuous.

  • Why and because: Why are you (happy)? Because we’re winning the match.
Why is she (hot)? Because she’s wearing a hat and scarf.

  • Language in action!: How often do you...? I (play rounders) once / twice a week. I (go swimming) every day / on (Sundays).

  • Making and accepting an invitation:
Would you like to come to my party? Yes, I’d love to. When is it? Where is it? What time does it start?

  • Vocabulario:

- Actividades deportivas (do archery, do gymnastics, go abseiling,
go climbing, go diving, go swimming, go trampolining, play badminton, play hockey, play table tennis); el fútbol (goal, match, player, stadium, team, win).

-Ciencias Naturales: el ejercicio físico (blood, carbon dioxide, heart, lungs, oxygen).