Physical Education

Welcome back students and families of MTES!

*This pertains to students in quarantine and able to participate in Distance Learning*

-What is needed:

*Computer with speakers and internet access

*A room with enough space to make movements left to right and forward to back

*A soft mat if the ground is hard that the student will be on

*Water bottle

-Throughout these videos students are allowed to take frequent breaks to catch their breath and are encouraged to drink water throughout.

-The links for the videos are provided on YOUR GRADE LEVELS following sub-page.

YouTube Links:

Some days there may be more than one video, so all of them must be watched in the order they are in during the period you have Physical Education class. ONLY WATCH THE VIDEOS AT THE SPECIFIC TIME OF P.E. Please use the videos assigned for the date, as they will be unique for each day. All of the videos will be accessed through YouTube and all that you need to do is click on the link(s), for your grade, for that day.


Thank you for your participation and if you have any questions during non-live hours, you can reach out to :

Kerry McMahon Schedule .docx

Briana Panetta Schedule .docx