
Active Citizenship in Modern Democracies: Two Specific Methodologies

Project Summary

The Active Citizenship in Modern Democracies: Two Specific Methodologies project addressed the critical need for engaging and practical democracy and citizenship education. Recognizing a gap in active citizenship awareness among youth, the project sought to empower educators and students with innovative methodologies for understanding and participating in democratic processes.

We implemented two main activities: peer-learning workshops focused on the European Youth Parliament and Participatory Budgeting, and developed an online textbook as a critical resource. These efforts aimed to provide hands-on experience and a comprehensive educational tool for fostering a deep understanding of civic engagement. The peer-learning activities allowed direct interaction with democratic practices, making the abstract concepts of democracy and citizenship more tangible and relatable for students.

The project's results have been transformative. Many students gained practical democratic participation skills, and educators were equipped with new pedagogical resources, significantly enhancing the teaching of democracy and citizenship. The online textbook, accessed by an even broader audience, is a testament to the project's success, offering a durable, adaptable resource for future educational endeavors.

The significance of this project lies not just in its immediate achievements but in its potential for long-term impact. By instilling a robust understanding of active citizenship among young people, the project contributes to developing informed, engaged future citizens ready to participate meaningfully in their democracies. This enduring legacy underscores the project's importance, demonstrating the power of targeted educational initiatives to foster a more vibrant, participatory democratic society.